Chapter Twenty-Seven: Namjoon

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I'm sitting in my studio, feeling like I forgot something at Chae-rin's. I don't know what, though. I have my wallet, I have my keys and I have my phone... So why do I feel like I forgot something important there? I can't seem to shake the thought. Currently, I am stuck on this thought and also, I can't listen to the song that I've been replaying for hours anymore. It's going to have to be put on the back burner for a little while.

"Namjoons!" Hoseok enters my studio, smiling, holding two iced americanos. "Here."

"Thanks," I smile. "What's up? You don't have anyone to teach in the studio?"

"Nah, I gave the trainees a break," he tells me. "They've been dancing since this morning. I mean, I love dancing, but I need a break every now and then too." He sits beside me and then bites his lower lips. He's going to ask me. "So, uh," he clears his throat. "How are you and Chae-rin?"

I called it. "We are okay," I reply. "I know what I did was fucked up... I apologized and we made up."

"Good," he sighs in relief. "You don't know how upset she was the day of her graduation. She cried."

I wince, once again, at the thought of her crying. I hate being reminded that I am the reason why she was crying. "I know..."

"Can I just ask what happened? Why did you ice her out?"

Hoseok is one of the most realest, comforting and genuinely nice guys I know. He's someone I consider a good friend, one that I would trust my life with. "I... When I took Ae-ra back to Seoul, she told me she cheated on me. I didn't know how to process that news so I just shut down."

He lets out a sigh and places his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Namjoon. That's rough." He pats my shoulder. "I'm glad that you have Chae-rin, though. How did she take the news?"

"She basically said she was sorry about that and hugged me," I say. "Anyway, yeah, that's what happened and we've made up."

"Are you okay about Ae-ra? I mean, I know that you're with Chae-rin now and so it might not even matter, but still..."

"I'm...okay," I nod, truthfully. "I think Chae-rin has made it better, to be honest. I don't know what it is about her, but she comforts me."

"It's because you love her," he snorts. "Duh."

I laugh and shake my head. "Maybe." Of course, I love her. She's my best friend. However, I know what Hoseok is implying. He means I am in love with Chae-rin. I crack my neck, side to side, trying to relieve some tension.

"Oh, I see you two did indeed make up," Hoseok laughs.

"Huh?" I turn to him and his eyes are zoomed in on my neck. I quickly slap my hand on my neck, turning a deep red.

"You must have had a good night, then," he continues to laugh. "Looks like she really-"

"Okay! Anyway," I clear my throat.

"Alright, I'll stop." He chuckles quietly to himself. "Anyway, what are you working on? Is this for B.B. Love's new album?"

I am thankful that he stopped teasing me and changed the topic quickly. I actually didn't realize she had marked me because normally, she doesn't. It's usually me that will leave a few marks here and there on her neck and chest. How did I miss that? Is this how she feels when people see hers? Damn.

After an hour of chit chatting with Hoseok, he returns back to the dance studio which is a few floors below my studio. I make my way to the bathroom and when I'm washing my hands, I tilt my neck slightly and yeah, it's there. A deep, purplish, red mark right under my jaw. It's one of the spots that when she kisses and nips drives me insane. I chuckle, lightly tracing the mark and shake my head. That girl. She knew what she was doing.

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