Udo and Zofia waved them down when they entered the square. It was quickly filling up with people but the kids had saved enough seats for them all.

They made their way to them and claimed their seats. Zeke and Colt had joined them along the way. All the warriors and candidates were now together in the crowd.

"Wow! Even the General is here." Gabbi gasped.

Near the edge of the crowd the entirety of the military elite was sat gossiping.

Y/n's brow furrowed. It wasn't wise to place them all so close together like that.

She quickly dismissed the thought.

"Not just the general, every important Marleyan there is and nobles and ambassadors from all over the world." Udo added in awe.

"Not to mention every news paper in the world that's worth the ink." Porco said, slightly skeptically.

He seemed to be picking up on Y/n's unease.

"It kinda feels like we're the center of the world!" Pieck smiled cheerfully.

She playfully shook Zofia's shoulders, making the little girl laugh.

"The Tyber's did this? I can't believe they're this powerful." Colt said stunned.

"Even though they're just as Eldian as we are." Porco sighed.

"Y/n, you're quiet." Zeke observed.

She hesitated for a moment.

"Something feels off." Y/n said softly.

Before any of them could reply they were abruptly cut off by the fanfare of trumpets.

The loud noise startled the kids.

Zofia pressed her hands to her ears.

"I guess it's starting!" Gabbi said excitedly.

"Falco and Mr. Braun haven't come back yet." Udo frowned.

He was right.

A scrawny female soldier appeared next to Y/n at the end of the row.

"Commander Magath sent me. He needs his Eldian warriors." She said sternly.

Y/n frowned. She didn't want to be left behind with the kids right now.

"Y/n you should come too." Zeke said, locking eyes with the soldier.

"Right." The soldier agreed.

Y/n didn't like the way they seemed to be communicating. Something definitely wasn't right.

Despite her suspicion, she followed the soldier without argument.

Y/n, Porco, Zeke, and Pieck trailed after the soldier and out of the crowd.

Once they were a couple blocks away the solider stopped.

"My orders are to send you to the gate, Yaeger." She ordered.

Zeke agreed and stalked off toward the gate.

"You three come with me." The solider continued.

They began to walk again.

"You look so familiar, have I seen you before?" Pieck asked the soldier casually.

The soldier scoffed in return.

"I have no interest in conversing with an Eldian, even if you are warriors." She replied.

Porco rolled his eyes.

Jaws ~ Porco Galliard x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now