TW: Smut! Nothing too crazy but feel free to skip this chapter if that makes you uncomfortable. It has no real plot significance.


Moonlight shone through the window in Y/n and Porco's bedroom.

Y/n sat delicately on the bed staring outside.

It had grown late and Porco still hadn't returned from training.

She had began to worry slightly and couldn't fall asleep until he was home. It had been hours now.

She knew if she went out looking for him he'd be angry. It was dangerous being out this late, especially for a young woman.

She had no choice but to wait. Even if he did find himself in a situation he couldn't get out of himself what could she do?

Relief washed over her at the sound of the lock clicking downstairs.

She bolted up. She went toward the bathroom first and flipped on the shower so that by the time Porco made it upstairs it would be warm. Then she scurried down the stairs to meet him at the door.

Standing in the doorway was an exhausted, sweaty, and shirtless Porco.

"I'm glad you made it home. I was starting to worry." She greeted him with a weak smile.

"I'm sorry. They worked me down to the bone. With the Paradis operation around the corner they want us all in peak shape." He replied defeated.

He dropped the bags and spare clothes he had been carrying onto the floor. He was too tired to keep lugging them around.

Despite the long walk home in the cold air he was still glistening with sweat. His muscles were swollen and enlarged from what y/n assumed was several hours of grueling physical exercise.

"Oh, Pock." She frowned hurrying over to him.

She wrapped her arms around him in a tight, loving embrace.

"Is the shower running?" He asked, noticing the sound of running water.

"It is. It should be warm when you get up there. And when you're done there'll be food waiting for you in the kitchen." Y/n smiled proudly.

Porco's eyes softened and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"What would I do without you?" He doted.

Y/n lay her hand on his chest softly.

A blush came over her and she felt his large muscles under her touch.

"Seems that training is good for something after all." Porco teased.

Y/n pulled away, slightly embarrassed.

"Go showerrrr." She whined.

Porco laughed.

"Alright, alright."

Y/n quickly made her way to the kitchen. She wasn't exactly a professional but she'd picked up some of her father's skills.

She'd made some soup earlier that afternoon anticipating Porco returning sooner.

She placed it on a warmer and began piecing together the rest of the meal.

Carefully she cut pieces of meat and vegetables to be cooked and paired with the soup.

She hummed softly to herself as she finished up. She placed everything into small bowls and plates.

She squealed softly as she was suddenly ambushed from behind.

Jaws ~ Porco Galliard x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now