Reiner and Bertholdt closed in on Eren. He stood with Mikasa away from the rest. They were just isolated enough.

Y/n stayed barely close enough to listen.

In case things went sideways she needed to stay far enough away from Bertholdt to not be injured by his transformation.

If they needed to flee she couldn't risk being injured.

"Eren, we need to talk." Reiner began.

"What is it?" Eren answered.

He seemed so happy to talk to Reiner. He'd expressed admiration for him in their time together.

He was about to be devastated, they were sure.

Reiner wasted no time.

"I'm the armored titan and he's the colossal. When we came here we planned to kill all of humanity in the walls but if you agree to come with us peacefully it doesn't have to come to that."

Eren's eyes were wide.

He began to stutter and stumble over his words.

"T-that's not funny guys. You wouldn't betray us." He stammered.

Reiner lifted his injured arm up.

Steam began to rise out of his wounds as they healed before Eren's eyes.

"Traitor!" Mikasa screamed.

"Reiner watch out!" Y/n warned.

Before he could react Mikasa leaped forward, driving her blade through Reiner's arm and neck.

Eren stared at y/n.

"Not you too y/n. What about all of us? What about Mina?" He cried.

She looked at him with teary eyes. She couldn't muster up a response. The tattered piece of cloth burned against her thigh, where it still sat in her pocket.

Reiner and Bertholdt both quickly transformed and Eren followed.

Loud sounds and bright flashes of lights overwhelmed everyone on the wall.

Reiner and Eren began to wrestle each other on the ground below in their titan forms.

Y/n watched from the wall for a few moments before Mikasa attacked her next.

Y/n was more ready than Reiner was.

She dodged Mikasa's blades and retreated to Bertholdt's titan shoulder.

"Get Ymir!" She shouted to him.

He very slowly reached out and grabbed Ymir's unconscious body and stored her in his mouth.

There she would be safe and unable to escape.

As Reiner began to pummel Eren, Bertholdt stepped back to avoid the scouts below. They had begun to scramble to try and fight back.

Most there were injured, fresh out of training, in shock, or all at once.

Their delayed reaction bought them the time they needed.

Reiner beat Eren until he could no longer fight.

He emerged from his titan, battered and exhausted.

Reiner grabbed him without hesitation and began to flee.

Y/n and Bertholdt joined him, Bertholdt leaving his titan body with Ymir.

They clung to Reiner's armor as he sprinted toward the forest.

Eren and Ymir were both severely injured, preventing them from transforming or even resisting.

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