Y/n stirred awake at the feeling of Porco's lips on her cheek. He pressed an affectionate kiss to her.

"We have to go." He said softly.

She scanned their surroundings as she adjusted to being awake.

She was still laying in Porco's arms but the sun was now peeking over the horizon. She could hear the chatter of soldiers nearby and they too were waking up and preparing.

"I have to meet with Magath. He'll want to hear what I've come up with." Y/n frowned.

She sat up into a kneeling position and faced Porco. He held her hands in his.

"I promise I won't let you all down." She assured Porco.

His eyes were soft as he smiled at her gently.

"You could never. We've gotten this far because of you. No matter what Marley or Magath tell the world, there's an Eldian leading their armies. I trust you, Y/n." He comforted.

She thrust herself into him in a deep kiss, startling him.

He placed his hand on her jaw pulling her into him.

"I love you." He whispered.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"Alright y/l/n, this better work. The great nation of Marley is counting on you." Commander Magath warned.

Y/n nodded confidently.

She and the Commander looked on at the field before them as her plan began to play out.

Combat had resumed as they prepared to make their move.

"Isn't it time? Shouldn't cart and jaws be out there?" Colt asked, clearly confused.

"Not yet." Y/n replied.

She didn't look away from the field.

Almost as if on cue an armored train rolled down the tracks from the fort. It was equipped with large anti titan canons.

"We need to take out the train first." She finished.

Magath frowned at the sight of the train. This was the part they didn't have answers for.

"Commander, if I may, you should let me take out the train!" A young candidate suggested.

It was a girl with brown hair and big beady eyes.

Y/n recognized her. She vaguely knew of her. Gabbi.

"And how exactly would you do that?" Magath raised an eyebrow at the girl.

She proudly raised a handful of bound grenades.

"I'll blow it off the tracks!" She smiled deviously.

Y/n's stomach turned. She was so young. She should be at home with her parents or in school, not fighting a war for a country who couldn't care less about her.

"No. Marley has spent too much money on your training. It would be a waste if you died now." The commander shut her down.

The girl frowned for a brief second.

"Well I guess if I'm more important than hundreds of infantrymen..." she trailed off.

Magath rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He caved.

"You can't be serious? She'll be blown apart and we'll still have to spare all those troops." Colt argued.

Y/n thought for a moment. If she pulled it off it could really help boost their strategy, but how could they send a child out there?

"What if I went instead." Y/n volunteered. "I have way more combat experience."

Jaws ~ Porco Galliard x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now