Weeks went on with nothing. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were nowhere to be found.

The cadets heard whispers of a secret trial but it was only rumour.

Those who were there in HQ and saw him were sworn to secrecy.

Any of them caught discussing the incident would be discharged and sent to work in the fields.

That didn't seem to stop them entirely. Y/n found herself straining to hear others discussing.

She took every opportunity to eavesdrop. The only way to make a plan going forward was to figure out Eren's status and how to get a hold of him.

Taking him back to Marley could be her ticket to seeing Porco and her father again.

It had been years at this point.

In the mean time the scout recruits became official members.

They rode out to the scout HQ on the outskirts of Trost.

Eren had apparently used the power of the attack titan to block the hole that Bertholdt had left behind.

The formerly abandoned castle cleaned up beautifully under their new captains supervision.

Captain Levi shared y/n's love for cleanliness but to a level even she felt was excessive.

They waited around in the castle for seemingly forever.

The day she'd been waiting for arrived as Eren, Mikasa, and Armin rode up the castle. They were joined by Commander Erwin and Section Commander Hange.

"Guys! Take a look!" Ymir called out.

They all gathered around a window, watching.

"No way! He's back? Just like that?" Jean asked in shock.

Y/n smiled eagerly as they approached.

Reiner softly tapped her arm with the back of his hand.

He shared in her little victory.

Eren was accessible to them again.

Once inside it was explained to them that Eren was now in the custody of the scouts. After successfully showing control and restraint as a titan he was allowed to use his abilities in an attempt to reclaim wall Maria.

They began to prepare for their first scout mission.

They would venture outside the walls.

Erwin briefed them on a special formation that they would use to avoid the titans.

Each scout was given a guide of the formation and where they were positioned.

Y/n would be with Armin, Jean, and Reiner.

She and Reiner together would be perfect.

The plan seemed to fall in place all on its own.

Y/n decided it best that Annie use her female titan this time. The scouts would be unfamiliar with it giving Annie the opportunity to pass as just as abnormal titan.

She could then kidnap Eren from the formation. Once he was secure they could transport him back to Marley.

They started off into the horizon, Jean, Armin, Reiner, and Y/n together on their own.

They were far enough from the others to remain out of sight.

They were to communicate with smoke signals and stay together using a map.

Armin had taken to giving directions.

"What exactly are we looking for out here?" Jean whined.

"It's standard reconnaissance. We're looking for anything abnormal or useful. A way to reclaim the wall maybe." Armin trailed off.

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