Y/n watched carefully as her plan fell into motion. The cadets all stood along the outermost wall of Trost.

All but Bertholdt.

They cleaned the canons and performed some maintenance.

The cadets were usually stuck with random tasks. The things the higher ups didn't want to do.

It usually put them in the risky position of the top of the wall.

Suddenly the colossal titan appeared outside the wall.

Y/n and Reiner watched as Bertholdt, in his titan form, kicked another large hole in the wall.

The ones closest to him retreated behind the wall with their ODM gear.

"Now's our chance. Attack!"  Eren shouted.

He lunged at the colossal but in a puff of steam, it was gone.

There was no time for them to ponder it as titans poured in below them.

Bertholdt appeared next to Reiner and y/n after fleeing his titan body in the cover of the steam cloud.

"Let's help them out." I whispered.

"Yeah, alright." Reiner answered.

They repelled down into the town.

Y/n landed carefully on a rooftop below.

She watched mindless pure titans barrel inside toward the civilians below.

A particularly quick one ran down the street toward the rooftop she stood on.

Quickly, she propelled herself toward it.

She slashed her blades through its nape.

It dropped to the ground instantly.

As more approached she repeated her actions, forming a rhythm, putting the titans down.

A scream caught her ear from the block over.


She zipped over quickly.

Mina was in the street hunched over another cadet.

She was furiously trying to revive him. She put all of her might into chest compressions to no avail.

"Mina stop!" Y/n urged.

She landed hastily next to the dark haired girl.

"Y/n he won't wake up! Help me!"

Y/n looked down at him. His face was mostly gone. It was clearly far too late for him.

"We can't stay here! They'll eat us! He's dead Mina."

"No, he's just hurt. We just have to wake him up."

Horror played on y/n's face at the scene in front of her.

She grabbed Mina and began pulling her away.

"Mina please. I don't want to lose you." Y/n cried out.

Images of Marcel plagued her thoughts.

A titan rounded the corner quickly.

"Mina!" She screamed as the girl struggled against her.

Mina broke free of her grasp suddenly sending y/n back, falling down onto her bottom.

It was too late. Y/n flew up to a rooftop right as the titan bit down onto Mina. Only her bottom half and her right arm remained now limp in the street.

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