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Porco's eyes fluttered open. A soft light broke through the curtains as the sun began to rise over Liberio.

He looked down to where y/n still lay on his chest fast asleep.

He began rubbing circles on her back with his palm.

He felt hollow knowing Marcel had been dead this whole time.

It hurt enough finding out he was gone but it was even worse knowing how long he'd not known.

He'd expected to see him again last night.

The only thing keeping him together was that he finally had y/n back.

He never wanted to let her go again.

He watched her torso rise and fall with every breath as she slept peacefully in his arms.

He imagined she was feeling about that same.

The death of her father was a horrible loss.

Not just for her but everyone. He'd treated Porco, Marcel, Pieck, and all of the warriors as his own.

Porco looked around the room for a moment.

He'd spent so much time here since y/n had left but now it felt different.

Knowing she was back made it feel warmer. It wasn't lonely and sad like it was while she was gone.

He wished he could have those years back.

It didn't feel fair.

They'd had to go through so much pain and suffering alone.

They missed out on so much time together just for their reunion to be overshadowed by more pain.

Porco thought back on the previous night. It was so recent but already felt hazy and distant.

Even though they knew she shouldn't, y/ n had told him just about everything about her time in Paradis.

His mind spun trying to absorb it all.

He too struggled with how similar the people there are to the ones in Liberio.

She recounted the most awful parts of her time there as well as the best. Shared both her friendship and loss of Mina.

Someone she was born to hate but had grown to love and care for so effortlessly.

"Part of me is glad she died when she did. She never had to find out I was the one behind her suffering."

She had said.

He felt his perspective be shaken by it all.

He was pulled from his thoughts as he felt y/n stir.

She adjusted slightly, not waking.

He smiled softly.

She was his now.

He would never let them be separated like that again. He promised himself he'd be there to protect her like he couldn't before.

He would do whatever it took to make sure she never had to hurt again.

Jaws ~ Porco Galliard x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now