Declan steps inside and nods, folding his arms over his chest. Oh my, don't do that!

"Take a shower and I'll drive you," he nods.

I chew on my lip. Not taking a shower after working an entire shift yesterday is quite frankly the most disgusting thing, but I'm already severely late as it is. "The shop–"

"Can wait five minutes whilst you shower," he nods before retrieving a towel. "It's just here."

When he taps on the door beside the spare bedroom, I quickly hurry inside and shed my clothes. I even jump in the shower before it's even warm, I bite down on my jaw and tell myself to deal with it. How did I sleep in so damn late?

After I scrub myself head to toe in record time, I rush back into the spare room and dress myself in my work trousers which have definitely been cleaned because they smell like flowers and fresh laundry. Guess I'm going commando today. The t-shirt is Declan's but it'll do, even if it drowns me. I'm ignoring the fact that it smells like him and it gives me goosebumps knowing I'm wearing his clothes. Next to it is my apron and I slide it over my head before grabbing my phone and rushing downstairs.

I try to ignore the pressure building between my brows. I'm more than dehydrated, I practically need to go on a drip. I slept for so long without water or food and my body might be thanking me for the rest, but I still need to keep my energy up in other ways.

Declan is waiting for me downstairs. He beckons for me to walk through the front door as he grabs his car keys. I barely have time to take recognition of his house–which after one glance is truly beautiful.

I hop in the passenger seat and thrum my fingers across my thigh. The anxiety I thought would have gone away after getting in the car only amplifies. Declan's eyes keep glancing to my fingers and then back to the road.

"What happened yesterday?" I ask, trying to change my train of thought.

He looks at me once, a hand resting on the steering wheel effortlessly. "You weren't replying to my texts, so I came by the cafe and you were literally asleep on the floor." He explains and my cheeks redden. Why am I so embarrassed? "I was going to take you home but you were fast asleep and I thought you didn't need your mother asking questions, so I took you home and you slept all night."

"Shit," my hands are trembling. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Declan shakes his head. "I wanted to make sure that you were okay."

I glance out the window. The pounding in my head increases and I raise my hand to massage my temples, fluttering my eyes shut. "You okay?" He asks.

A hum falls from my lips. "Just got a headache."

My heart pounds inside my chest. I can't even turn to look at him. I'm beyond mortified, I need to get out of this car as soon as possible. I begin to pick at the skin around my fingers because I've got nothing better to do. Anything for a distraction.

I pray there aren't people waiting outside. I pray no one writes a shitty review online saying that we weren't open when the sign says that we are.

He pulls up round the back and I rush to get my seatbelt off. "Thank you for the lift, and for yesterday," the words are nothing but a mashed jumble of nothing. Declan offers me a small smile but it doesn't seem convincing. "I'll see you later."

I hook my fingers into the inside of the door to open it but it remains locked. I try again frantically before glancing over my shoulder at Declan. He's staring back at me with a mix of concern and apprehensiveness.

"Declan," I say desperately. "Please open the door."

He says nothing. The door remains locked.

"Declan, please."

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