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" I wouldn't be sitting here in front of you if it wasn't for her" it's gonna be my first time in front of a camera in years. " Are you sure you want to do this grandma?" my granddaughter Juilet asked as she stood by my side.

" Yes, I'm sure it's time to spill on the beans. I'm 88 years old what do I have to lose" Juilet fluffed my short silver hair and people started to mic me.

" I'll be sitting behind the camera" Juilet said giving me a quick kiss on my cheek.

" I want to thank you for letting me cover your story Olivia. This is my biggest story yet. I'm Julia I'll be interviewing you"the young brunette reporter sat in front of me.

" It's my pleasure, dear" the young reporter Julia gave me a smile. " If anything is getting too much for you just let me know we want you to be as natural as possible" I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous.

The camera man counted down from 3 and then we were rolling  " Olivia thank you for joining us you don't know how much we appreciate you being here in the studio with us today. A true Hollywood legend and the first superstar our world has ever seen" my heart pounded in my chest but as soon as the camera started rolling it was like I never even left.

" Thank you for having me. I'm ready to give you guys a detailed history lesson" the small crew behind the camera laughed.

" We want to know everything Olivia from your start in Hollywood, your greatest friend Maisie Mae, and how you . . ." I put my hand up.

" Don't say it, please" she gave me a gentle nod.

" Why don't you start from the beginning an 18 year old Isabel Rodrigo and how you made it into Hollywood".

" I was born and raised in Temucula California I was going through a stressful and difficult time it was getting towards the end of world war 2. I lived with my parents in a small one story house where I struggled to find work. I didn't know what to do with my life but all I knew was that I wanted to be a singer" I came back home with still no luck after searching for a job for the almost past 2 weeks.

I telephoned my best friend Conan " Isabel, oh how I miss the sound of your voice. How's the job hunting going?" he's a couple of years older than me. We met at the ice cream parlor where we quickly became the closest of friends.

He moved to Los Angles a year ago for a fresh start "  not so great. I hate it here, I feel like I'm suffocating here Conan" twirling the phone cord around my index finger.

" Why don't you come down here. They have lots of clubs you can sing at , I can get you a job at the hotel I work at. I'll put in a good word in for you, you can stay with me. I miss you dear friend LA has a lot more opportunities then up there. I'll even pick you up from the train station" at the end of the month.

I took the train down to Los Angeles I stepped off the train looking in the crowd for my friend " Isabel!" I ran to my dear friend with open arms as he lifted me off the ground spinning me around.

" About time you made the move down here. Let me grab your things" the buildings look even bigger in person than in pictures, the streets were crowded with people.

I grabbed his arm as we started to walk down the street Conan chatted away while I was distracted and fascinated with the new city life " it's not fancy or anything but we have to start from bottom to get to the top" as he lead me inside an dirty and sketchy old apartment building that smelt strong of urine.

' Out of order' read on the elevator " oh bloody hell" I chuckled.

" it's okay we'll take the stairs" we went up the 10 flights of stairs arriving at his apartment door out of breath and tired.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now