What in the lord's name?! (Helen)

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I probably do way to many Helen ones but I don't have ideas for anything else😭in this you'll be 8


2nd person pov:

You were in school like every normal day. You were in PE with your classmates. Your best friend Emilia was always by your side. Throughout the day she told you that you didn't look to good but you brushed it off and told her it's probably nothing. Your PE teacher made your class jump over the Vault to grade you. Before it was your turn she came up to you. "Y/n dear, I think you should sit down. You look pale." "It's fine Miss." "I don't want you to get injured." "I'll do it." "Y/n no! Your going to hurt yourself." You didn't listen to your friend and teacher and decided to jump anyway. On the vault you lost your grip and fell onto the gymnasium floor. You hit your head and injured your knee. "Y/n!" Emilia and your PE teacher ran over to you. "Y/n are you okay?" Emilia was scared. You sat up slowly, groaning in pain. "Emilia, take y/n to the nurse please." "Yes Miss, come Y/n." Emilia helped you up and supports you while walking to the nurse. "Emilia, y/n. What brings you two here?" "Y/n fell in PE Miss." "Oh dear, y/n sit down." You did as the nurse asked. She took a look at your injury's and decided that you have to go home early today so she called your mum. You tried to convince the nurse that you don't need to go home but the nurse insisted.

Half an hour later your mum was there to pick you up. Emilia brought you outside to the schools carpark. "Y/n, what happened? The school just called me saying you had an accident in PE." "We were doing vault jumping and I lost my grip and got injured a little." You hadn't taken a proper look at your mum yet considering you had to be careful while walking. When you did take a look you said "Did you film Peaky Blinders today?" "Yes, why do you ask?" "You still look a lot like Polly." "I had to drive here from set! Do you think I was able to change that quick?" (Let's pretend they filmed some stuff in studios in London) "okay no." "Now get in. Thanks for bringing y/n out here Emilia." "No problem. Bye." "Bye." You and your mum got into the car and she drove off.

"Now, what happened exactly. I want every detail." "Miss Smith made us jump over the Vault as you know. Before it was my turn she came up to me and said that I was looking pale. I ignored her and Emilia telling me to not jump. I jumped, lost my grip and fell. I injured my knee and head a little." "Mhm." Your mum shot you a glare. "That's everything?" "Yes." "hm, okay." She drew her focus back on the road for the rest of the drive home. When you arrived home your mum carried you inside. "I'll get you an ice pack for your knee." "Thanks mum." "No problem silly." You giggled at her comment and waited for her return. She threw the ice pack at you, hitting you in the face. "Mum!" You got a little angry for a moment. "Sorry darling, I didn't mean to hit you in the face." You shook your head giggling and put the ice pack on your swollen knee. You noticed your mum looking at you for a long time. "Is something wrong?" "No, I'm just curious, do you feel nauseous or lightheaded?" "No, why?" "It's just that you are pale darling." "Don't start like Emilia and Miss Smith." "Y/n I'm worried about you. You don't look like you're okay at all." "I'm alright." You smiled. Your mum pulled you closer and hugged you. You smiled and cuddled, eventually falling asleep in your mum's arm.

Helen's pov:

I didn't believe y/n for one second when she said she was fine. Something is off but I don't know what. My phone buzzed. I picked it up and read the name on the display,


I answered the call. "Hey Sophie what's up?" "Hi Helen, is everything okay? Cillian said that you had to leave." "I'm alright. But y/n's school called. She had an accident in PE and got injured. She is alright so far." "Oh my, Cillian said it was serious." "Well yeah, she did hit her head but that seems to be the smaller problem. Her knee is swollen and she can barely walk." "Oh no, that's not good. You probably won't be back on set tomorrow right?" "Yeah, I'm staying home with y/n." "Tell her to get well soon." "I will, I'll see you when y/n is better." "You have to bring her to set when she has time of from school." "I'll see if see wants to, but I'm sure she would love to." "I can't wait to see her again." "She probably can't wait to see you again too. She told me that she loved spending time with you when she came to set with me." "Y/n was so sweet. She asked me many questions." "She is a nosy girl. But I have to go now. I need to make y/n something to eat." "Alright, I have to get back to filming. See you soon." "See you Sophie." I hung up. I carefully layed y/n down and went to the kitchen. I made her some food and brought it to the living room. "Y/n, I made you food." I caressed her cheek. She looked at me. "Are you hungry?" "Mhm." Y/n set up. "Hold still for a moment please, I want to take a look at your knee." "Okay." I removed the ice pack from her knee and took a look at it. It was still swollen. "Still hurting right?" "Mhm. But not that bad anymore." "That's good. Now eat." "Okay mum." Y/n took the food and ate it. After finishing her food y/n and I watched some TV. Y/n forced me to watch Doc McStuffins with her.

"Y/n?" I asked her when there was an AD break during the episodes. "Yes mummy?" "Can it be that you were Ill but didn't tell me?" "Why do you ask?" "I just remembered that I heard that a young girl once didn't tell anyone that she was ill and did everything like normal and she ended up in the ICU because it resulted in her having a cardiac arrest." Y/n looked at me in shock. "So I'll ask you again. Were you ill and didn't tell me?" "Maybe." "Yes or no?" "Okay yes. The week was filled with test and exams. Our teacher said that we had to do them and that if we were ill we wouldn't get a second chance to do them." "Your teacher said what?!" I took a deep breath. "I'll call the school and tell them. And we will pay Dr. Summer a visit." "Okay mum." Y/n smiled a little. "I love you munchkin." Y/n giggled. I reached out for her foot and tickled it as I walked away. "Mum!" Y/n squealed. "I love you." Y/n added. I got my phone from the kitchen and sat down next to her again. I called y/n's school and told them what happened. They will have a chat with that teacher and then inform me. I thanked them and hung up.

"Now, Dr. Summer." I dialed the number of y/ns pediatrician. A nice young woman picked up. I told them what happened and they said to come immediately. I hung up and looked at y/n. "We have to go now." "Okay mummy." "You haven't said that since you were 6." "And? I love you. I can call you mum or mummy or any other nickname I come up with." I giggled. Okay darling. Now let's go see Dr. Summer."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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