My little Wolf (Cissy)

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BellaCissaRose I'm sorry for stealing from you but I just had to do your one but with y/n as a child because I couldn't get it out of my head, still I'm sorry for stealing

Y/n's age will be 8, and a little backstory. So Narcissa took you in because she felt sorry for you end of story

Cissy's pov:

My little y/n has been acting a little weird lately. She kept her distance from me until I had to take her to the death eater meeting. I'm not a death eater but since my "lovely" husband is I have to attend with the kids. As Bella and I say "Nose less wonder" called Lucius up to stand. Lucius did as Voldemort said and then nose less man pointed his wand at Lucius and proceeded to kill him if y/n didn't jump in front of him. Everyone, including no nose man gasped. Y/n shook it off.

"What the hell?! W-What are you?!"

"A nightmare you won't forget!" Y/n hissed. Everyone was so scared by what y/n said that they fled the room. Except for me. I stayed.

"Y/n, my little darling." I kneeled down. "H-How did you do that?"

"Mom, I-I'm not a human. And never have been."

"W-What are you then?"

"Your little Wolf."

"You're a Werewolf?" I asked as I held her. She nodded.

"I'll get you up to your room sweetie. And I'll stay with you until the end." With that I picked her up and brought her to her room.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything before."

"It's okay sweetheart I'm not mad. You just wanted us all to be safe." I said as I put her down on her bed. She curled up in a ball and slowly transformed into a tiny Werewolf. I sat there and watched as she went from human to Wolf.

"Darling?" I whispered. She huffed and tilted her head back.

"It's me, mommy." I whispered and looked into her eyes that were almost grey. "I'm going to touch you now." I carefully touched her head. At first she was a little afraid of my touch but once she realised that I didn't want to harm her she cuddled up to me.

"Sleep a little darling, I'm right here with you." She only nodded and fell into a deep slumber as she slowly came back to her tiny human body. Her bare body shining in the moon light. I pulled her onto my body and cover us with a blanket. Then I fell asleep with y/n in my arms.

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