Ignore 'em (Hel)

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Hel's pov:

Coming into the kitchen 'morning mom.' Grabbing a snack, putting on shoes and leaving calling 'bye mom.' Then coming home from school saying 'Hello' and disappearing into her room. Me telling her that dinner is ready and her answering only 'I'm not hungry, thanks mom.'
Every day it's the same.

A few weeks have gone on with this. I tried to get her out of her room but she didn't want to. She had to study instead. Well, today is Saturday and I decided to take my lovely daughter out to meet up with my good friend Helena Bonham Carter. Louise wasn't very happy that we were going out to a fancy restaurant. She hates it. Well, she had to live through it now. So I drove us to the restaurant and inside we met with Helena. She was happy to see Louise again. Last time those two saw each other was when I brought Louise on set with me in 2010. Louise was still little. Now she is almost as tall as I am. Well Louise is nearly 13 now. I told her to wear something nice but she put on some baggy clothes. I can't force her to wear something else.

"Now Louise what are you up to right now?" "Studying because I have to pass the upcoming exams." "Well, that's important of course." "Mhm." Louise poked her food. She kept a conversation up with Hellie and ate rather less what made me worry. "'m paying." "Hellie you don't have to." "Hel please. I invited you so I'm paying." "If you insist." "I do." Well, Hellie payed for everything. Then we said goodbye and we parted ways. Louise and I drove back home. Louise went up to her room immediately. "Louise." "What?" "Come to the living room please." "Why?" "I want to talk to you." She groaned and came down. We sat on the sofa together. "Louise?" "Hm?" "Is everything okay?" "Yeah why?" "Don't lie to me. You ate basically nothing at the restaurant. And at home you don't even come to dinner. In the morning you just grab a snack and then you leave. So what's going on?" "Nothing." "Louise please. I'm worried about you sweetie." "Nothing happened mom. Really." "Louise please, it makes me sick to see you this way. What's going on? Is it at school? Are the other kids mean to you?" "Mom I said it's nothing!" Louise stood up and walked out. "Louise please." I go after her. "Louise." I grab her arm and turn her to face me. "What's wrong love." "Please just leave me alone." "I can't. You are my child and I care for you." "I'm not your real child, and you know that." "But I feel like you are my own, and I love you like my own. You know you can tell me anything love." Louise started to cry and hugged me tight. "The kids at school tell me that I'm fat and that I'm ugly." "Shh, it's okay. If we want to you can transfer to another school." "Really?" "Yes, I promise that everything will be okay." Louise tightens her hug around me. "Thank you mom." "What?" I asked confused. "Thank you for just being here for me and letting me be me. We might not be blood related but, you treat me like a mother should. Like my mother should." "Oh Louise my darling. I promise that everything will be okay."

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