First Period (Helen)

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Again, you are the youngest of three, but now you're 12

Your pov:

I was in school like every other day. But this time something was different. My lower stomach was hurting so bad. During break me and my friends went to the restroom. I screamed in shock when I saw blood in my underwear.

"Y/n? What's wrong?"

"There is blood in my underwear!" I stuttered.

"Oh, you've got your period girl." My friend Emilia said.

"Is the pain bad y/n?" Hanna asked worried.

"It's killing me! Please tell me one of you has supplies for periods!"

"Nah sorry."


"Wait! I've got a pad!"

"You're a lifesaver Hanna."

"No problem." Hanna threw the pad over the door. Luckily I had spare underwear with me. Hanna had invited Emilia and me to come to her place after school and swim a little so I brought a bag with that stuff. I put the spare underwear on and the pad into my underwear and left the toilet stool.

"Are you alright?" Emilia asked.

"No. My stomach hurts like hell."

"Go to the office and call your mom. You're pale as a ghost."

"I'll go with her Hanna, just in case."

"Okay, I'll tell Mrs Jones."

Emilia accompanied me to the schools office.

"Hello there Girls, how can I help you?"

"Hello Miss Smith. Y/n has got her first period and isn't feeling well."

"Can I call me mum please?"

"Yeah sure, go ahead and take a seat. You can call her with your phone."

"Thanks Miss." I sat down and Emilia sat down next to me. I took out my phone and dialed mum's number. Luckily she picked up.

"Hey y/n darling, what's the matter?"

"Hey mum, can you come and get me? I'm not feeling well."

"I just got to the grocery store after filming. Please give Ellie a call and see if she'll pick you up. If she can't call me again."

"Okay, when will you be home?"

"In about 40 minutes."

"Okay, I'll call Ellie now. Bye Mum." I hung up and called Ellie. Ellie picked up.

"Y/n what's up I'm in a rush at work."

"Is there a possibility that you could come and pick me up?"

"If it's an emergency of course."

"Do you consider the first period an emergency?"

"Oh y/n, are you in pain?"

"Yes! It hurts like hell. And my friends say that I'm pale."

"I'm on my way, I'll be there in ten."

"Okay, bye." I hung up. I put my phone away.

"Emilia, can you get my things please?"

"Of course." Emilia hurried to get my things.

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