Love (Julie)

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Basically that is a part two to Oh dear
I believe the name of Julie's daughter is Maxine, if I'm wrong, please correct me

Julie's pov:

After a month in Hospital y/n was finally released. We spend all the days together and I rarely left y/n's side. Her walking skills have improved. She still walks a little different but that is barely noticeable. I help her in her everyday life to make it more easy for her. My daughter Maxine decided to leave her father and get to know y/n. Y/n and her get along well. When we came back home after the four weeks in hospital my daughter was really happy that we were back. She also helped y/n with her everyday life. Maxine and y/n spend most of their time playing board games while I do some housework. Before the accident y/n always tried to help me but I never let her.

"Mom, y/n you're home." Maxine hugged us. "Hello my darling. How are you?" "I'm good, how are you?" "Now that I got my favourite girls with me, I am happy." Y/n giggled. "I made tea for you. I set it up in the living room." Maxine walked to the living room. Y/n and I slowly followed. "Thank you so much Maxine." "No problem." Y/n smiled and sat down on the couch. "Here." "Thanks." Y/n took the teacup and began sipping her tea. "Here mom." "Thank you." I kissed Maxine's head. She giggled. We drank tea before Maxine and I went to the kitchen to do the dishes and cook dinner. Y/n meanwhile took a nap. She was so tired that she fell asleep immediately.

"Look mom. Y/n is asleep." I look over and smile. "She looks so peaceful mom." Maxine smiled. I wrapped an arm around her and kissed her head. Maxine smiled at me. "She is the best thing that happened to me after you were born darling." "She makes you so much happier than dad." "Mhm." "She really does mom." "I know sweetheart." Maxine kissed my cheek and layed down on the couch aswell. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of them. Maxine giggled. "Mom!" "What? This looks adorable." "Okay."

I finished cooking dinner and woke up Y/n and Maxine. We eat dinner and then make ourselves comfortable on the couch. We watched a few movies and just spend time together. I love having my girls together.

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