Tiny darling (Black Sisters)

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Tiny bit of little space

Bella's pov:

I'm waiting for y/n at the doctor's office. Cissy is inside with her because she is scared. Our little girl wasn't feeling well the last few days. She had a little fever and was really tired. Being in bed all day, not doing anything. Also y/n has lost her voice and is barely able to talk. So they come out again and we go back home. I still have no clue what's wrong with y/n but hopefully Cissy will tell me. We both hate to see y/n sad and sick. So Cissy brings y/n back up to our room and then comes back down to me.

"What did the doctor say?"

"It's a cold, but for some reason it's worse than usual."

"That's a bit strange, but we'll see."

"Go up to her and give her some company will you. Our baby hates being alone." I giggled. Y/n had slipped into little space because she is sick.

"Of course. So, does our little baby need anything?"

"Nope, just one of us."

"Okay, see ya." I went up to our room. I got into bed and immediately y/n snuggled close.

"Hm, little baby, how are you?"

"Ick, I non ont o be ick."

"I know sweetie."

Cissy came in with a tray. On that tray were: a cup, a bowl with something to eat, a bottle of water, a spoon and medicine. After some arguing about the medicine Cissy convinced y/n to take it. Then she gave y/n the bowl to eat something. Y/n was silly with her food, as always. It's funny to watch her mood change. One moment she was upset and the other she was happy and fools around.

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