Ill (Helen)

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For this you are going to be 5


Helen's pov:

I woke up around 8 a.m. with y/n tightly cuddled up to me. She came to me after having a nightmare and then stayed with me. I carefully snuck out of my room and went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. When I came back to change my clothes y/n was deeply asleep under the covers. I changed my clothes and looked at y/n from time to time. When I was done, I went over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Y/n sweetie, wake up. It's time for Kindergarten." Y/n opened her eyes, they looked a little glassy. "Hey darling, did you sleep well?" Y/n shook her head no. "Was it the nightmare?"


"Then why didn't you sleep well?"

"It's freezing!"

"Y/n." I chuckled. "Don't be silly it's not freezing. My room always has a cozy temperature."

"But I'm freezing, it's so cold!"

"Hm." I moved the hair away from y/n's forehead and put my hand onto it. Her forehead felt a little warm. I turned my hand and put the back of my hand onto her forehead. Still warm. "I'll go get the thermometer, and something to write stuff down." I smiled at y/n and left my room to get what I just told her. I came back with the thermometer and a piece of paper with a pen.

(I found this on Pinterest)

"What is that?" Y/n asked nosey.

"This darling, is something that mummy is using to write down how you feel. And first up is that I will check your temperature. If we have to go and see a doctor I can give this to them. It makes their job easier."

"Oh, okay." I quickly took y/n's temperature. She has a fever.

"39.5°C." I sighed and noted the temperature. "Now, I have to ask how you feel. Your symptoms. You think you can tell me?"

"I'm cold! And I'm tired. My throat is sore and my stomach hurts a little."

"Mhm." I put an X into every symptom box she said she has. "Do you want to try and eat something?"

"No, not hungry."

"Can you at least try?"

"I don't want to." Y/n pouted. "It hurts when I swallow."

"Then you have to tell me. But you definitely have to drink. You need to hydrate sweetie."


"Do you want to stay in bed or come down to the living room with me?"

"Living Room with you."

"Alright, let's go sweetheart." I picked her up and went down to the kitchen. Normally y/n would be really excited and kick her legs a little but today this wasn't happening. All y/n did was cuddle and move the least she could. This behaviour wasn't like her at all.

"Sweetie, I'll put you down in the living room and call the doctor's."

"Otay mummy." Y/n mumbled into my chest. I brought her to the living room, put her down on the couch and grabbed my phone. I called the doctor's office and asked if they had an opening to see y/n. They said that they could make it possible for us to come in the evening. I immediately said yes and told them that if they had an opening that I would be glad to hear from them. Y/n rested her head on my lap. She was quiet. Way to quiet for everything to be alright.

"Y/n honey?"


"I have to go to the toilet, can you sit up please."

"Otay." Y/n slowly sat up.

"I'll bring you something to drink on the way back."

"Mhm." The second I was standing y/n layed back down. She looked so weak. I did what I had to do quickly and then came back to her with her drink. Y/n was asleep. I sighed and picked her up. Y/n was so weak that she didn't even hug me tightly like she normally does. While y/n was sleeping I used the time to learn parts from the new script I got for the new movie. After a good hour y/n woke up.

"Hey sweetheart, did you sleep well?" She nodded her head and rubbed her eyes a little.

"You have to drink something." I picked up her sippy cup. "Here you go."

"Thank you mummy." Y/n took it and drank a little. I saw it in her eyes that swallowing hurts but she has to drink for her own good. She put the cup back on the table in front of us and looked at my script. Y/n is nosey sometimes.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm learning my script sweetie. For the new movie I'm in."

"Who are you playing?"

"Oh um, I'm playing a mother. Who has a daughter." Y/n giggled. "And that woman is really loving towards her daughter." I told y/n a little bit about my character. "And well, that woman is a little crazy. She is um, bad. You know, she has um...she has ended lives. She is a murder." Y/n looked at me in shock. I giggled. "I will still be me y/n. Don't worry."

"Okay." My phone started ringing. I got up and answered the call. It was the doctor's office. They had an spontaneous opening and we're wondering if I wanted to come to get y/n checked out. I immediately said yes.

"Where are we going mummy?"

"The doctor's office. I want to know what's wrong with you."

"Okay." A few minutes later we were sitting in the car on the way to the doctor's office. We didn't have to wait long. The doctor said that y/n had the flu. He prescribed some medicine. In the way back home we stopped at the pharmacy and got the medicine. Back home y/n and I cuddled up on the couch and watched TV. A few days later y/n was felling much better thanks to the medication.

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