My lovely darling (Julie)

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I decided to add Julie to my one shot collection

Julie's pov:

I had a long day at work ahead of me. After divorcing my cheating husband I got a new job as a teacher. I've been a teacher for almost ten years now, teaching Art and Maths. While teaching I met quite a few students who grew up in a not so healthy environment. That's also how I met y/n. She is a student of mine who I met when she was 11. She lives with her alcoholic father. Y/n told me that when she was 9 her mother passed away. At home she has no time for homework because she has to do the cooking, cleaning, laundry and go grocery shopping. She often skips her last two periods to do the homework. I caught her when she didn't attend her classes and she told me everything. I managed to prevent that she would be getting detention for missing classes. I talked to the principal and he allowed that y/n missed her last two periods to go to my room and do her homework there.

The bell rang, the fifth period began. A knock on the door made me look up from my work. "The door is always open." In walked y/n. But she didn't look like her usual self. She looked like she had been crying. She walked to the desk she always used and put her stuff down. I pushed my chair back. "Y/n?" "Yes Miss Ranmore?" "Come here dear." She walked over to me. "What's going on? You clearly have cried." "Nothing, I just fell and got a little hurt, that's all." She stuttered. "Y/n." I sighed and took her hands into mine. She looked at me and her smile faded as she tried to stop the tears from falling. "What's going on?" Y/n started crying. I pulled her into a hug. "Dad hurt me." She sobbed. "What did he do sweetheart? Where did he hurt you?" Y/n just cried and didn't answer me for some time. Y/n took a deep breath and pulled her shirt up a little. I could see a bruise and a small cut. "He-He did that?" Y/n nodded. "I don't want to go home. Can you do something?" She begged sobbing. "I'll call for a principal, okay?" Y/n nodded and sobbed. "Okay darling, you want to do your homework for now?" Y/n nodded and went over to her desk. She sat down and started working. I picked up my phone and called the secretary. "Secretary Jane of Dragon primary school." "Hey, Julie here. Can you please send a principal to my room?" "Yeah sure, I'll send Sara down." "Okay thank you." I hung up the phone. "Sara is on duty today, she'll come down." Y/n nodded and put earphones in to continue working while listening to music. A few minutes later Sara walked in. "Hello Julie." "Hello Sara." "So, what's going on?" "Y/n told me something, something that is not good." Sara looked at y/n. Y/n couldn't hear us because of the earphones. "Her father has hurt her. She showed me a bruise and a cut on her stomach." "He's an alcoholic right?" "Yes." "And y/n is here to do her homework?" "Yes." "Okay. Has someone reported the father to CPS yet?" "I don't know. Maybe ask y/n?" "Mhm." Sara went over to y/n and tapped her on the shoulder. Y/n looked at Sara and put her earphones away. "Hey y/n. I'm Sara." Y/n smiled faintly. "Miss Ranmore called me because you showed her something." "I know." "Can you show me?" Y/n nodded and showed Sara the cut and the bruise. Sara nodded. "Mhm, and your dad did that?" "Yeah, he threw an empty bottle at me." "Do you know if your family has been reported to CPS yet?" "No. The neighbours tried but nothing happened." "Okay. I will call them now. You, stay here with Miss Ranmore." "Okay." Sara showed me a small smile before leaving the room. Y/n put her earphones in again and stared out the window.

Half an hour later Sara came back with a woman. "Julie, this is Hanna. Hanna, this is Julie Ranmore, y/n's teacher." "Nice to meet you Miss Ranmor." "Nice to meet you. Y/n is sitting over there." Hanna nodded and went over to y/n. They spoke for some time. "Okay, I will call the police now. They will probably arrest your father and you won't see him again. You will be placed in an Orphanage until we find a place for you to stay at." "Okay, but is there a possibility that I could stay with Miss Ranmore?" "Well yeah, you could. But why?" "When I moved to this school and got her as a teacher she cared for me and other students whose life' are not the best. She's nice and cares about all of us. I lost my mother when I was nine and Miss Ranmore is kinda like a mother to all of the students who struggle with growing up in an unhealthy environment." "I mean, if Miss Ranmore is okay with it and the principal. I am okay with it." "I am okay with it if Sara is." "I am okay with it." Y/n smiled. But this time her smile was real. She jumped up and hugged Sara. "Thank Principal Meyer." "It's okay." Y/n smiled and went over to me. I smiled and gave her a big hug. Sara and Hanna smiled. "y/n will be all well with Julie. I know her. She is a good soul."

I look down at the sleeping girl in my arms. Nothing could bother her. She had a mother and a great life. After years of having to deal with her alcoholic father, being his maid and being abused by him. She had pleaded the CPS agent if she could stay with me. Everything went well. Yesterday we signed the last papers and y/n is now officially my daughter. We are both happy to have each other. Y/n started calling me mom from time to time. No one, except for Sara, knows what happened and that's good.

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