Get me out (Narcissa)

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A/n: for context y/n has social anxiety

Your pov:

Cissy and I were invited to a Ball. I hate events with many people. It just scares me like hell. But Cissy convinced me to come with her. I wasn't to happy and always stayed close to Cissy, holding her hands. I rarely was separated from my girlfriend. Only the one time that I went to the toilet. On the way back a guy walked up to me and came a little to close to me. He compliments me on how I look and said that I looked pretty. I kinda panicked and pushed him away. I went back to Cissy and pulled her arm.

"Y/n darling what's going on?"

"Get me out! Get me out!" I begged.

"Come, we'll go into the garden for a moment." She pulled me out into the garden and found a bench for us to sit on.

"What's wrong darling?"

"A man tried to touch me."

"We'll go home now okay?"

"Please." I squeezed her hand tight. She pulled me up and apperated us home. We both got ready for bed and cuddled up.

"You're safe darling." She kissed me and fell asleep.

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