Sick (Helen)

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Small note before we start
You are the youngest of three Children, your Older siblings are called Ellie, she is 19, and Jack, he is 15. And you will be ten

Anyway, enjoy, oh and TW: Vomiting

2nd person pov:

You were in school like everyday. But you didn't feel so well. While eating a little snack you couldn't get anything down. You went to the restroom and there you had to throw up. You were shaking ad crying. You wanted to know what was wrong with you but you had no clue. You flushed the toilet and washed yourself at the sink. Then you returned to your classroom and asked your teacher if you could go home. After telling her what happened in the restroom she immediately said yes and called your mum Helen. But your mum didn't answer so she called your sister Ellie. Ellie came not even ten minutes later. She talked with the teacher for a second before going to her car with you and driving home. The school gave you a little plastic bag, just in case you had to throw up while on the road.

Ellie's pov:

While I was at work the school of my little sister called and said she was sick. I immediately packed up my stuff and went to get her. I had a little talk with her teacher and then took her home. Y/n was pale as a ghost and her eyes looked like they were made of glass. At home I helped her get out of her uniform and get into her pyjamas. I gave her a bucket in which she could throw up if she needed to again. I took out my phone and dialed mum's number. She didn't pick up so I left a voicemail.

Hey mum it's Ellie. I just collected y/n from school. She is really sick. I'll call the doctor and see if they can squeeze us in to check her out. It would be really nice if you could come home. Love you

So, I called the doctor. They said that if we would come right now they could check her. So, I took y/n and drove to the doctor's office. When we arrived they immediately brought us to a room. We had to wait a little but that was okay. Y/n threw up a few more times since I collected her. Finally the doctor came and checked y/n. Turns out y/n has a stomach bug that causes her to throw up. With that diagnosis we went home. Y/n sat down on the couch and watched some TV while I prepared her a soup. I heard the door shut and a worried voice asked

"Ellie, y/n. Are you home?"

"I'm in the kitchen." I replied. "And y/n is watching TV in the living room."

"Hey darling." Mum came into the kitchen and kissed my forehead. Something she hasn't quit doing since I was a baby.

"Hey mum."

"How's y/n?" She asked while grabbing a glass of water.

"Not great, the doctor said she has a stomach bug."

"Oh, my poor baby."

"She's in the living room."

"Okay." Mum and I left to go to the living room. Y/n was still watching TV.

"I'm home sweetie."

"Mum." Y/n smiled weakly. Mum sat down on the couch and hugged y/n.

"Oh my sweet, what happened?"

"I was in school. And when I went to the toilets I suddenly had to throw up." Y/n began to cry.

"It's okay, no need to cry."

"But I'm missing school. You always say that school is important."

"Of course school is important but your health is more important sweetie." Mum scratched y/n's head gently. "Until you are not okay again, you are not going back to school."

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