Lost (HBC)

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Requested by: demii560


Hellie's pov:

Around one year ago I started taking care of a girl called y/n. She is 9, has y/h/c hair and pretty y/e/c eyes. Y/n still isn't used to have someone that cares for her. As far as I know her biological parents gave her up and her foster parents didn't treat her very well. I was told they made her cook, wash the dishes, do the laundry and even clean the entire apartment. When CPS became aware of this they took her out immediately.

Now I'm waiting in front of y/n's school. It's nearly 3 p.m. so school is over soon. Soon enough the school bell rang and kids were coming out of the school. Y/n got into the car.

"Hey, how was school?"


"Should we go home?"

"Yes please."

"Okay, should we stop somewhere to eat lunch?" I was about to start the engine when someone knocked on the window. I rolled it down. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I am y/n's teacher. I wanted to talk to you about her grades."

"We can do that another time. We have places to be." I rolled the window back up and drove off.

"Do you want to tell me why your teacher thinks she needs to talk to me about your grades?" Y/n just stared at the road ahead of us. "You don't have to tell me right now, you can do it later." I gave y/n a quick smile and then put my focus back on the road.

When we arrived home y/n went to her room to do homework. I went to the living room and watched some TV. After some time y/n decided to join me. "Hey darling." I smiled. Y/n smiled. I wrapped an arm around her and she hugged me.

"My teacher wanted to talk to you because we had this exam last week. And according to my teacher everything I wrote is wrong. Just because I did it differently than the other students. It's the same every lesson. I know how to do stuff but I do it another way. And they always tell me that my way is wrong."

"Well, they're a bunch of idiots. It doesn't matter how you do it but what matters is that you come to the correct answer. An I know that you're a smart girl. They don't know what they're talking about." I looked down at y/n who was still glued to my side. Y/n smiled. I pressed a kiss on the top of her head. She giggled.

"I love you mum." She whispered.

"I love you too darling. Now it's already 6. Should we eat dinner?"

"Yes please."

"Come, let's see what we have left."

"Okay." Y/n and I got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and all the drawers and looked through them to see if they had any food. Finally we found some pasta and made that for dinner. After dinner we watched TV for a while. Then it was time to put y/n to bed. She did everything she had to do and got under the blanket. I sat down and grabbed a book. Y/n lives bedtime stories. So I began reading the story to her as I play with her hair a little. She snuggled as close as she could get to me and enjoyed every moment that the sleep didn't took away. Just a few days ago she was still not really used to me taking care of her but it seems to me that she finally accepted that I want the best for her.


I know that it's been a long time since I updated anything here but school is literally stealing my creative abilities to write. I can't think of anything to write. I am really sorry. I wish I could just write and write like I once used to but that won't happen. If you have any ideas what I should write about just comment


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