School (Helen)

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You'll be 6, and starting school, enjoy


Helen's pov:

Y/n isn't acting the ways she usually is. She has been in her room nearly all day long and not said a word. Tomorrow will be her first day of school. Now we are sitting at the dinner table and y/n is poking her food. I put my fork down and looked at y/n.

"Is everything okay sweetheart?"

"Yeah, why?" She looked at me.

"Your not being yourself y/n."

"What do you mean?"

"Normally you would be running around the house like crazy and be playing in the garden for hours." Y/n looked down at her food again. "And now, you're just poking your food with the fork and not eating a single bit. Normally you are hungry and take a second portion."

"I'm not hungry!" I didn't believe her, not a single bit. I put my plate and fork into the dishwasher and walked over to y/n. I turned her chair away from the table and kneeled down in front of her.

"What's wrong? I can feel that something is off."

"Nothing!" Y/n crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hey, calm down. No need to get angry. If something is bothering you tell me. I want to help you." Y/n paused for a moment.

"I'm scared." She started crying.

"Why are you scared?"

"What if the other kids don't like me? What if they hate me." Y/n sobbed.

"Oh darling." I pulled her into a hug. "You will meet everyone tomorrow, then you can get to know them and make friends. If you don't make friends quickly it doesn't matter. Making friends can take a while."

"Okay mummy."

"Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?"

"Yes please."

"Of course darling. But now you've got to eat something."


"Good." I turned y/n's chair back so that she was facing the table. She ate a little bit of her favourite food.

"I'm done." I looked at her plate. It was still half filled.

"Okay, go upstairs and get ready for bed. I'll be up in a moment."

"Mhm." Y/n left the kitchen and went upstairs. I put the leftover food into a box and placed it in the fridge. After I put her plate and fork into the dishwasher and went upstairs. Y/n was just in the bathroom brushing her teeth.

"Hm my little angel." I brushed my hands through her hair causing her to giggle. "Better now?"

"Mhm." Y/n went over to the sink and spit the toothpaste out. She used her pink cup to wash out her mouth. Once she was done she looked into the mirror. I wrapped my arms around her and put my chin on her head. She giggled and looked up at me. I looked down at her.


"Yes! But I have to get my teddy first."

"Okay, then go an get it. I have to brush my teeth too." Y/n ran to her room and looked for her teddy while I brushed my teeth.

"Got it!" She ran back in while I was cleaning out my mouth. I put my toothbrush away and looked at y/n. Her little brown eyes filled with tiredness.

"Of to be we go." Y/n ran to my room laughing. I giggled and followed. When I came in y/n was jumping on the bed. I giggled. "Now, lay down."

"No! I want to jump!" Y/n laughed.

"Y/n please. Calm down, you need to sleep."

"No! I want to jump!" She said laughing and continued jumping.

"Then I have to use force." I grinned and grabbed her by the waist. She squealed in surprise.

"Let me go!" She giggled.

"No, you have to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day darling." I held her little body tightly pressed against mine. Y/n wiggled around and tried to break free. "Shh, it's okay sweetheart." I scratched her head gently and whispered calming things into her ear. Surprisingly it worked, and after a few minutes y/n was deeply asleep. I turned the light off and carefully layed down without waking up y/n. I pulled the blanket over us and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

One shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora