Mummy's the best (Helen)

91 2 15

For this one you'll be 5 again

Helen's pov:

I collected y/n from kindergarten a little early today. Y/n had an appointment at the doctor's. I packed a little snack y/n could eat on the way. And of course Dr. Stuffy had to come. He was waiting in y/n's car seat. When y/n got in she smiled and hugged him.

"Here are some apple slices, in case you are hungry."

"Thank you mummy." Y/n smiled and and began eating. I drove to the doctor's office and parked there. I got out of the car and opened y/n's door so she could get out. Y/n hopped out with Dr. Stuffy in her arm. I locked the car and took y/n's hand. We went into the doctor's office and had to wait. I spoke with the lady at the counter and she said that we could follow her. So we did. She lead us to one of the rooms. In there we had to wait for a moment.

"Hello." Y/n's favourite doctor, Dr. Emma Summer came in. Y/n immediately had a huge smile on her face. I couldn't help but giggle.

"How are you y/n?"


"That's amazing. Who's that dragon?"

"That's Dr. Stuffy."

"Nice to meet you Dr. Stuffy." Dr. Summer shook one of Dr. Stuffy's hands. Y/n smiled.

"He is a doctor, just like you."

"Cool. Now y/n, can you please take your shoes, your jacket and socks off."

"Okay." Y/n put Dr. Stuffy on Dr. Summers desk and began taking off her shoes. Then she took of her socks and her jacket.

"Oh, and your skirt too please."

"Alright." Y/n struggled a little with the sipper but managed to take it of on her own. Dr. Summer went over to the scale.

"Y/n, come over here please." Y/n did as asked. "Stand with your back against the wall please." Y/n nodded and did as asked. Dr. Summer measured y/n's hight.

"How tall am I?"

"You've grown a lot. Last time you were 1 meter tall, now you are 1 meter and 20 centimetres tall."

"Is that much?"

"Yes, for you kids it's much."

"Yay." Y/n was happy.

"Now, can you step on here please." Y/n stepped on the scale.

"What is that for."

"The numbers down here tell me how much you weight."

"Oh." Y/n giggled.

"23.7 kg. That's good." Dr. Summer smiled. "Now y/n, please sit down over there."

"Okay." Before sitting down on the doctor's couch y/n grabbed Dr. Stuffy. I smiled amused. Dr. Summer quickly put some data into y/n's file and then went over to her.

"Okay y/n, can you take off your shirt please."

"Can you hold Dr. Stuffy?"

"Of course." Dr. Summer took Dr. Stuffy and y/n took off her shirt.

"Thank you." Y/n took Dr. Stuffy again.

"Do you remember this y/n?" Dr. Summer showed y/n her stethoscope.

"Yes! You use this to listen."

"Mhm. I use it to listen to your heart and lungs." Dr. Summer smiled. "Now, can you take deep breaths in and out for me."

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