Love (Cissy)

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3rd person pov:

The young girl sat in the corner of the room. She sobbed quietly. In her head a nightmare. The nightmare that the guy she was with before found her and mistreated her again. She pressed herself against the wall, not daring to make a sound when the door opened. Somewhere deep in her Brain she knew that it wasn't the guy, she was with a nice woman now. The woman was excellent at taking care of her but still the trauma time isn't leaving her alone.

"Y/n? Love where are you? The pancakes are getting cold." The older woman got no response. "Y/n?" Her voice was filled with worry. "Y/n my sweet please come out. I'm not going to hurt you." The young girl stayed silent. She was to afraid of what's going to happen. "Y/n?" The older woman asked again, looking around the room. The young girl still hid in the corner. After searching for a while the older witch found the younger in the corner. "Darling, please come out." The young girl shook her head desperately no. The older sighed and wrapped her arms around the youngers body. "Shh, don't cry my love. I'm here." The young girl held onto the older woman for dear life and cried. "Darling it's okay, I'm here. I'm here to protect you." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being a disappointment. I'm sorry I'm not good enough!" The young witch sobbed. "Shush, don't say that. Because it isn't true my love." But the young girl didn't stop. "Let me leave." The young witch sobbed. "Please." "You can go wherever you want darling you know that." The young witch looked at the older witch who smiled softly.

"Don't let these dumb thoughts take over okay my sweet."

The young girl nodded. The older smiles a little more. "Good, now let's lay down and cuddle." "Please." "Of course darling, I'll always do that." The two Witches made their way to the bed and lay down. They cuddled for hours on end.

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