Confess (Narcissa)

613 14 1

TW: talk about Suicidal thoughts

Cissy's pov:

I was in the living room reading book and drinking tea when my little darling y/n came in.

"Hello darling."

"C-Cissy, can we talk?" She asked. Her voice was filled with fear. I closed my book down, took off my glasses and looked at y/n.

"What's up love?"

"Um, I-I have to tell you something."

"Come here." I waved her over. Y/n came over and sat down on my lap.

"What do you want to tell me love?"

"I um, I-I um."

"It's okay, darling take a deep breath and continue when you are ready to do so. And if you can't tell it right now we'll find another chance okay." She nodded and took a deep breath.

"So I have b-been thinking about doing something wrong. I-I played with the thought of killing myself. I'm sorry."

"Hey, no need to be sorry. It's good that you told me darling." I put my hand on her bare back and rub it gently. Y/n relaxed a little. "Now, what do you want me to do. Do you want me to get you a therapist or what do you want?"

"I-I want you. I want you to stay with me and keep me company." Her head fell onto my shoulder as she curled up in a ball on me.

"I'll stay with you my darling. As long as you want me too." I stroke her hair and held her tight.

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