Oh dear (Julie)

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Don't ask why, but I had this idea

Julie's pov:

For some reason y/n had to do something that resulted in her being sent to Hospital. It's two weeks before Christmas. Y/n begged me for forgiveness. Obviously I forgave her, she can't do anything about the forgetfulness of her Co-worker. Well, now I'm sitting on y/n's hospital bed, reading her from her book. She cuddled close to me. I gently scratch her back while reading. At some point y/n was deeply asleep. I closed the book, put it away, adjusted me and y/n, pushed my shoes off and cuddled with her. Eventually I fell asleep as well.

I woke up the next morning to find y/n still asleep, or maybe again. I kissed her head and pulled the blanket up above her shoulders so she won't get cold while I used the restroom quickly. After I got back to bed and then cuddled with y/n for a long time until she woke up. "Morning sleeping beauty." "Morning Julie." Y/n mumbled. "Did I miss breakfast?" "Nope, the nurse must have brought it when I was on the Toilet." "Okay." Y/n snuggled closer. "You want your bread?" "Nah, have they got cucumber slices or a Tomato?" "They've got both love." Y/n smiled and looked at me. "You are able to speak so use your voice." "Can you give me the cucumber slices and the Tomato please?" "Here you go." I handed her the bowl with cucumber slices and the Tomato. She smiled and started eating. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and watched her eat. Y/n ate the entire bowl. I took it and put it back on the tray. Y/n just cuddled with me. The doctor and a nurse come in.

"Good morning Miss Y/L/N." "Hello." "How are you feeling today?" "I'm fine so far." "Mhm, have you got anything like a headache?" "No. All good." "Great. Can I take a look at your leg?" "Yeah sure." The doctor gave the nurse a chart and went over to y/n. Y/n pushed the blanket aside. The doctor examined the leg. "It seems to heal just fine. Any pain?" "No." "Good. You'll be staying for another two weeks." "Two weeks?" "The cut is nearly closed, but some tendons and nerves were cut. You need to learn how to walk properly again." "Alright." Y/n sighed. "Well, have a great day." The doctor and nurse left again. Y/n turned away. I hugged her tight. "Hey, it will be alright." "Go! Go away! You're better off without me." She sobbed. "I am not! I need you y/n." "No you don't! You don't need a freak in your life!" "A freak? Are you referring to the fact that you have to learn how to walk properly again?" "Of course! I can't walk anymore and you don't need to be stopped in everything you do because of me!" "I'll gladly stay. I have a lovely girl that I'd never leave." "Are you sure?" "Yes of course." "Okay." Y/n snuggled close to me. "Everything will be alright love, don't worry." "Mhm."

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