Torn apart (Julie)

137 4 2

TW: Bullying


Thx to BellaCissaRose for helping me to get to the final product

Your pov:

I made it into class at the last minute. One minute more and I would have been in even more trouble. My teacher would be mad and my bullies would have something new to tease me with. I know it sounds silly that I am getting bullied in college, but that's how it is. My day started off with math and science. Followed by English and French. A lunch break at 1:05 p.m. As always I ate Lunch alone. Until, my bullys came up to me. "Hello there. Dummy. Nearly late to class today were we?" She giggled. "That's, non of your business Emma and now leave me alone!" Emma giggled and looked at me. "You can't tell me what to do." "But I can tell you where my boundaries are and you have to respect them! Just as I do for you!" "Shut it loser! You are nothing but a scared freak! That's right! A scared freak!" I looked at her and wanted to slap her. But I didn't. I just put my garbage away and left the cafeteria. I walked to the arts room early and set up all my stuff. I was all alone. Not even our arts teacher Miss Ranmore was there yet. I started crying. 'scared freak' really hurt me. When I was 6 I had surgery which left a scar. Sadly for me it's Visible when I'm wearing crop tops. And I like crop tops. I hope no one sees me like this. After some time I stop. I put my head on the desk and cover my face with my arms. After some time I hear footsteps. I don't look up. I don't give a shit who it is.

"Y/n?" I hear the voice of my teacher. I don't look up. I pretend to be asleep. She walked over to me. "I know you are awake y/n." Now I couldn't lie anymore. I looked at her. My face is tear stained. "Y/n what happened? Why were you crying?" "I don't know. I just had to." I covered my stomach with my arms so she couldn't see. "Y/n I know this isn't true. Why were you really crying?" "Emma and her gang Made fun of me again. They called me a freak, because I have a scar." I looked at her. "I'm sorry dear. Can I do anything to help you?" "I don't know. I-I" I couldn't even bring up words. I didn't know what to say. "Just know that I'll always be there for you when there's an issue dear." "Thanks Miss Ranmore." "No problem y/n." I smiled a little. A few minutes later the lesson began. Miss Ranmore gave us an assignment that would be due until Friday. I managed to finish it during the lesson. At the end of the lesson I gave it to Miss Ranmore. "Already done, impressive y/n." I smiled and left campus.

Thursday morning I woke up with a strange feeling in my stomach. I felt like I needed to throw up. I pushed it aside and went to campus anyway. After lunch the feeling of dizziness was added on top of my shitty feeling. I went to the teachers Lounge and knocked on the door. "Hello, what can I do for you?" "Can I speak to Miss Ranmore?" "Yeah sure. Um, Julie. A student wants to speak to you." A few seconds later Miss Ranmore came to the door. "Y/n. What's going on?" The other teacher left us alone. "I just wanted to inform you that I'll be going home early which means that I'll be missing your arts class today." "Okay, do you mind me asking why?" "I've been feeling like throwing up since I woke up and now dizziness was added on top." "Okay, you absolutely need to go ahead and get some rest. Your eyes look like they're made of glass." "I just wanted to let you know." "Of course. I hope you are feeling better soon." Miss Ranmore smiled at me and went ahead to go back into the teachers Lounge. Suddenly my head started spinning and I stumbled back against the wall before losing consciousness.

Julie's pov:

Y/n came to tell me that she would go home early because she wasn't feeling well. I wanted to go back into the teachers Lounge when I heard a bang. I turned around and saw y/n on the ground unconscious. "Y/n? Y/n!" I yelled and shook her gently. But y/n wasn't responding. I heard a door open and turned my head around. "Amanda, help. Y/n fainted." "Oh lord. I'll get the nurse." "Okay." Amanda made her way to the nurses office. Meanwhile Y/n woke up. "Hey, how are you feeling?" "Shitty!" "Okay, the nurse will be here soon." Just as I said that Amanda and our nurse Tammy came. "Hey, what happened?" "Y/n fainted. She said that she wasn't feeling well all day. She wanted to go home early and then fainted." "Okay. I'll go ahead and check you out in my office y/n. Can you get up?" "I think so." Y/n sat up carefully. Tammy and I helped her to stand and walk to the nurses office. Once in the office y/n sat down on a chair. Tammy began checking y/n. I left the office.

A few hours later someone knocked on the door to my room. "Hey Julie." "Tammy, hey. What's up?" "Y/n allowed me to tell you everything." "Okay, what happened after I left?" "Okay so, y/n has eaten something wrong. That caused her stomach to bug. And the dizziness was caused by her not eating and drinking all day because of the stomach feeling." "Poor thing. That's not good." "Mhm. I called an ambulance and y/n is now in hospital for safety." "Okay. I hope she's alright so far." "Yeah. Y/n asked me to tell you that she would like to get the stuff she missed. As fast as possible." "Just say that she wants me to visit her." "Okay sorry." Tammy giggled. "Bye Julie." "Bye Tammy." I gathered my things, got the work we did in class today and drove to the hospital. I asked where y/n's room was and went there. I knocked and went in.

Your pov:

"Miss Ranmore, nice to see you." "Hey y/n. How are you feeling? You gave us quite a fright." "Sorry." "It's alright dear. Are you feeling better?" "Yeah. The doctor helped my stomach be better." "That's good. I got all the stuff we did in Class today for you." "Thanks Miss Ranmore." "No problem dear." I smiled a little. "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah, sure." "Did Emma and her gang ever get physical with you?" "Not really. Emma hit and slapped me a few times and one of her gang members made me trip many times." I watched my teachers face change to sadness. "That's not nice." "I've got used to it. But the verbal stuff is still tough." Miss Ranmore's facial expression got even more sad. "I'm so sorry." She took my hand and squeezed it gently. I smiled a little. "Remember how many times you were spending time with me when Emma picked on you again?"  "But I'm just a student. You just protected me from them." "But if you were just a student, would I have kept you there more than I probably should have." "You just did it to protect me. And I will stay just another student of yours." "Y/n." She chuckled softly. "Would I be here if you were just my student?" "No, probably not." "You are not just a student, you are my student. That I want to do dirty things to after your Graduation." I giggled. "And I'll let you do that." "Better do, or there's going to be punishment." I blushed. "Who would suspect, the bullied student and her teacher." "No one." "Exactly." I smiled. "I love you." "I love you too darling."

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