Chapter 42: Battle Of Alderaan II, The End

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It was the second day. If it could be called one since the fleets of the Empire and New Republic were stuck in a fierce battle around where Alderaan once was. All for supremacy over the galaxy.

“Damage assessment reports are here as you requested Admiral.” A helmsman said, handing Ackbar a datapad.

Looking through it, he saw an overall stalemate leaning slightly in Vader’s favor. General Hera was driven back by the Imperial center right while the Imperial left had retreated, having expended their ordinances on the ships of General Solo; overall he had lost five ships and three were incapable of combat.

“Helmsman?” He called. “Yes Admiral?” The man said, turning around to face Ackbar. “Bring me a more detailed report of the engagement by the Generals.” He said, handing the datapad back to him.

Vader looked through the damage and battle reports of the previous day’s engagement.

While his center right had driven their counterparts back, only losing a single star destroyer his left had lost three and three were combat ineffective.

Worse yet the New Republic's right had held, only losing two cruisers while his left had to retreat after firing off all their missiles and having suffered heavy losses in star fighters.

Vader could feel the anger within him rise slowly. ‘Who, in charge of a twenty something year old Victory, would attempt to broadside a Mon Calamari star cruiser?’ He thought, his grip tightening on the datapad as he did so.

He turned his attention to his victorious center right. “All SPHA wielding star destroyers are to go within weapons range and open fire.” He ordered.

The tactical display showed the steady advance of the ships in his center right. The Victories had stayed behind meanwhile.

“Admiral, here is the report you-” “Hold it for now.” Ackbar gestured to the helmsman. Observing his tactical display, he saw around two dozen star destroyers approach his slightly battered center left.

“Admiral, General Syndulla insisted that you read her report, those star destroyers are not what they appear to be.” The man insisted, trying to hand Ackbar the datapad again.

Ackbar shot him a curious glance as he took the datapad while he still had time. 

He skipped over Han’s report since these were the same ships that engaged Hera and the one she insisted be red first.

It didn’t take Ackbar long to realize that those star destroyers were long range capital ship killers.

“Move us between the incoming imperials and General Syndulla.” He ordered.

“General, they are moving to reenage us.” A helmsman said, bringing Hera out of her thoughts.

“Prepare to retre…” She gave the tactical display a quick look before she finished her sentence and saw the Viscount moving in front of her corps, as if daring the Empire to come closer.

“Recall the ships and tell our established fighter aces to get into their fighters and await my command.” Vader ordered upon seeing the Viscount move into place. If he couldn’t get them tactically, he would try so morally.

He observed the star destroyers move back into position with the remainder of his center right before turning to his comms officer.

“Have three of them fly out between the two fleets. Taunt them into individual dog fights.” He said and the woman nodded.

Ackbar had made sure that the star destroyers were safely away before putting the Viscount back into its previous position and gazing at the tactical display once more.

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