Chapter 5: Botched Exchange And Dark Secrets

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"Are You sure about this?" Ahsoka questioned. "Yes. Just wear these yellow contacts." Sigil said, handing Ahsoka a pair of yellow contact lenses. She put them on reluctantly. "Now let us go over the plan one more time. First, to be unconscious. Once i hand you over, let them walk to their ship before you "wake up". Once awake you will attack them seeing as the electric collar, will use static electric current to appear legit, it won't do much. Once the guards are taken care of, you'll take their ship and rendezvous on Ilum for our crystals." He finished.

"We are about to drop out of hyperspace." Revan announced. "Here goes nothing." Ahsoka said, taking a deep breath. "Yeah here goes nothing." Sigil said before he cuffed her hands and threw the electric collar around her neck.

Revan managed to guide the ship to a graceful landing with the help of 5cn. Sigil slung the "unconscious" Ahsoka over his shoulder and walked out.

There, out in the distance, two cloaked figures were waiting; one was holding a suitcase. The men heard footsteps coming in their direction. Turning around, they saw another figure heading towards them. He was shy of 2 meters in height by their estimation. 'Maybe 1.97' one of them thought to himself. But despite his size, he maintained a slender frame, an offsetting sight for many. Especially in the night, alone where their screams won't be heard by another soul.

Guarding politicians was one thing but having to deal with such unnerving individuals was another. As he got closer, the moonlight illuminated him, letting the two cloaked figures get a better look at the intimidating bounty hunter. A helmet shaped like a human skull with soulless blue scanners in its eye sockets and a simple black skin suit with metal talons protruding from the fingers on his left hand. His appearance made them shudder in fear. A fact which couldn't be seen on their cloaked faces. But sensed through the force by both Sigil and Ahsoka.

Their fear will serve as a distraction for Ahsoka's escape. Sigil finally stopped in front of them. "Do you have my payment?" He asked, his modulated voice, matching his appearance. "Not so fast. Hand her over first." One of the men demanded, his voice stuttering. Sigil in response just lowered Ahsoka upon the grass. One of them knelt down and opened her eyes, seeing that indeed they were yellow. He signaled to his partner to hand him the suitcase which he did. Sigil took the suitcase out of the man's hand and opened it. Rummaging and weighing the credits inside, he found that his payment was full. Without another word, he just walked off.

Revan looked out the cockpit window to see Sigil approaching. She notified 5cn who opened the boarding ramp in time for him to enter. He made his way to the cockpit upon entering the ship. "Okay Rev chart a course for Ilum." he said. Not so quick hot shot. Let us get out the atmosphere first." She said, initiating the take off procedure. "Where did you learn to be this sassy?" He asked. "From Ahsoka." Revan said with a smug grin. He sighed "Why am i even surprised.". Once in space, Revan punched in the coordinance given to them by Ahsoka. "Calculating hyperspace jump." She announced. "Now you are the hot shot." Sigil said with a wide grin. "Oh yeah we have to wait for Ahsoka." Revan said, slapping herself on the forehead. "We'll have to wait." Sigil said.

Seeing him walking off, they both sighed in relief. "Sick motherkriffer! Why does he dress like that?!" One of them thought out loud. "I don't know but it is effective. Now come on let's get out of here." The other one said unnerved.

His partner slung Ahsoka over his shoulder and they proceeded to walk back to the ship. Ahsoka entered their minds with the force and saw that the ship was now in full view, as such she sprung into action. She swung her legs away from her body and swung them forwards, slamming her knees into the back of the man carrying her.

He cried out in pain as he dropped forwards. Rolling forward, she got back onto her feet. The second man quickly lunged at her; in an attempt to tackle her. She rolled forward again to avoid him. The second man hit the ground with a thud. The two men got back to their feet and drew out their blasters; in response she force pulled their blasters before force pushing them away. She turned back and sprinted towards their ship.

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