Chapter 26: Conclusion

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Two years of campaigning in the Hapes cluster led to this; the final battle over Hapes itself. The damage that Sigil had caused the Hapan resulted in a civil war among the royals.

Supporting him was Ta'a Chume, a claimant to the Hapan throne who had sided with Trial on count of her want to get to power sooner and depose her mother Ni'korish and eliminate her sisters.

She had pledged allegiance and money to the rebel alliance if he installed her on the Hapan throne and she even tried to seduce him into a political marriage. One which the steadfast Admiral refused at first.

Ta'a Chume had won over elements in her mother's navy but most importantly Hapan garrison who besieged the royal palace a year into the Hapan campaign of Sigil.

Ta'a Chume, wanting more leverage over Sigil, deceived Revan into unknowingly killing her brother's pregnant wife, Zi Yafuro Trial. Revan, after seeing that she killed her would-be niece and current sister in law from Zi's dying words, fled with her entire boarding party in fear for her life.

Revan had attempted to board a captured Nova class cruiser that Sigil had taken over but she, seeing her brother fight back to back with Zi, Revan's anger boiled over at her own neglect and the hands of her brother. She lunged forward and gutted the other woman. She however failed to notice the life force inside her belly until it was too late.

Her brother dropped to his knees and held his wife tightly as she said her final words to her husband. Her blood stained hands, leaving a handprint over his heart as she whispered "I may die here but you honey, keep fighting." She coughed up blood. "Don't give up on your dreams. It is what Jena and I would have wanted." She said, placing a light kiss on his cheek. Cheeks wet from tears as her head craned back.

Hearing the woman's last words made Revan realize what she did and she didn't even stay to hear the rest of it but ordered a full withdrawal; knowing that if she or anybody stayed, they wouldn't live once her brother recovered from the shock of his pregnant wife being gutted in front of him.

Back aboard the Voyager, Revan had broken down in her quarters crying profusely in her pillow. The only person in this galaxy that might have forgiven her now would never. She truly was alone.

Nobody aboard the Liberator approached Sigils quarters for three days until Hera Syndulla talked him back into assuming command and finishing this damned campaign by giving him his late wife's Holo diary which she recovered from the cruiser.

After reading the cruiser, Sihil was torn on whether to mourn even more to get up and finish this fight. Remembering his late wife's last words and looking down at the red hand print upon his chest, he chose the latter.

Two years of warring would culminate in the final battle above Hapes. The Voyager and her crew's objective was the destruction of the Liberator. 

The Liberator and her crew sought to pacify Hapes and install Ta'a Chume as the new queen mother of Hapes. A woman who seemed interested in aiding the rebellion and attempted to seduce the commanding Admiral.

The Hapans loyalists under Ni'korish were fighting for survival. If Ta'a Chume or another rebel or even imperial sympathizer assumed the throne, they would be all killed. If they lived, they would hunt down every rebel there was but for now they were under siege in the royal palace by traitor forces loyal to Ta'a Chume.

Each group brought a considerable amount of firepower to bear for the final battle. 

The defense fleet comprised the Star Home, thirteen battle dragons and twenty five Nova class cruisers.

The rebel/traitor fleet consisted of the Liberator which acted as the flagship of the fleet. Eight battle dragons and thirty Nova class cruisers.

The empire had the Voyager along with three battle dragons and five Nova class cruisers. The imperial fleet kept at the outer system knowing they would be destroyed by both sides but, on whose side will they intervene; the traiotrs/rebels or the loyalists.

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