Chapter 1: A Forunate Encounter

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' "You don't know the extent of the dark side's power, young one. Bow before me and pledge yourself to my teachings else your dear brother, dies" the voice said before uttering another breath. "Don't" Sigil tried to say before being lifted into the air; gasping for air as if choking. Desperately he tried to signal me to run with whatever he could; waving his head, signaling with his eyes or pointing away with his feet. Only for everything to be engulfed in a brilliant light.'

"SIGIL!!" The familiar scream echoed through the ship. The scream was followed by cries and sobs. Sigil climbed down from his bunk to comfort the weeping child. "Same thing?" He replied softly as he was wiping away the tears. "" came a shaky reply. "Shhh 'Revan', shhh it will be okay. Nothing bad is going to happen, I'm here." He said, pulling her into his embrace. She finally quited after what felt like hours. "Si...Sigil, w...why does this keep happening every night" Revan finally spoke up, her voice shaking from all the crying and she was visibly stuttering.

Sigil pulled her a little closer, stroking her hair and running his finger through it; "I don't know Revan. But at this rate, it requires some kind of investigation." He replied. "An investigation?" She asked him; the stutter in her voice fading. "Yes, maybe in the morning, i'll have 5cn take you to the library to find out information" he said in a warm tone. "Sounds good enough." she replied. "But can you sleep with me? I'm still scared to sleep alone." She added. "Revan, you're getting kind off... nevermind fine" he told her reassuringly knowing that societal norms could kriff themselves because she needed him more.

Morning came quicker than expected on the planet of 'Triothe' and as the sun shone through the cabin of the void dragon, it woke up its inhabitants. Sigil was quick to wake up; noticing that Revan was getting up slowly. He gently and slowly pushed himself up and away from her to go about his day. He headed to the refresher first before making his way to the kitchen, sitting down as his droid D-5cn put the food on his table. "Morning master Sigil." The droid said, putting a plate in front of him.

"Morning 5cn." He said, a hint of sleep still present in his voice. "5cn." He said. "Yes master Sigil?" The droid asked, confused."Make me some tea will you?" He told the droid. "It will be my pleasure" the droid told him. "Did mistress Revan.." the droid started to speak. "Yes she had the same nightmare again." He said cutting the droid off.

Revan got up feeling cold. She looked around to see her blanket on the floor. She didn't doubt that Sigil knocked it away as he got up. Revan headed to the refresher before going to the kitchen. "Morning." she said, rubbing her eyes. "Morning." She heard her brother say holding a cup of tea in his hand. "Good morning mistress Revan" 5cn said, bringing her a plate of food as well. "Thank you." she said. "No problem." 5cn said. "Revan." Sigil spoke up, breaking the silence. "Yes?" She looked at him questioningly; probably knowing what he was about to say. "You should get ready. If you remember, 5cn will take you to the library of the grand university of 'Triothe'." He said. "Oh yeah i remember." She said a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "Wait you won't be coming?" She questioned. "I'm afraid not Rev. I have to look for a new bounty." He replied. He had to look away as the expression on her face turned sour.

As he saw Revan and 5cn walk off into the distance, he started his training. Practicing with throwing vibro darts until 5cn returned. He spent a long time practicing his throws, the more he practiced the more he zoomed out and less focused on his surroundings he became. "Master Sigil? Master Sigil? Master Sigil!?" He was broken out of his trans by his droid. "What is it?" He asked, stumbling on his own words. "You seemed to have zoomed out. Are you alright?" The droid asked. "I'm just concerned for her." He said. "Now come on, let's go back inside." Sigil finished.

Quite some time had passed as Sigil was now seated in the captain's chair of his ship 'The Void Dragon'. He, however, was still zooming out. He is caught off guard by the beeping of his holo projector indicating a call. 'Huh?! Who could this be?' he thought to himself as he moved to answer the call. A hooded figure came into view. "Lord Sidious. To what I owe, such a fortune." He said in a professional tone. "Nothing but a humble request. A jedi." The dark lord replied. "Hardly the challenge my lord." Came an eager yet calm and collected response.

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