Chapter 14: Appointment And Assignment

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Sigil took a look at the speech notes he wrote down. Reading over them once more to be sure. After he saw the emperor, accompanied by two red guards as well as his enforcer in black, Darth Vader. Seeing him be seated, he stood up from his seat and walked up to the podium.

"I, as the representative of House Trial, would like to thank everybody who has decided to attend the funeral of my late grandfather Vaorios Trail. May the maker have mercy upon his soul and the rest of us as well when our time comes and give us a just after life. I would like to especially thank our emperor for taking the time out of his busy schedule to attend this ceremony and bless us with his presence. I thank you again for attending the funeral of the late Vaorios Trial and I wish that nobody experience such a loss in their life and have a good day.." Sigil said as the attendees applauded. Leaving the podium, he took his seat amongst the crowds and watched as one by one, the representatives of all the Nubian royal Houses came to the podium and spoke, sending the condolences; until it was time for House Palpatine. The emperor, accompanied by his right hand Lord Vader and a pair of royal red guards, walked up to the podium. "This is an unfortunate occasion for our gathering. Today we mourn the death of a prominent member of Nubian society. I, on behalf of House Palpatine and the galactic empire as a whole, send my condolences to House Trial." Palpatine gave his speech and sat. Following the funeral procession, Sigil was approached by an imperial official. "Mr.Trail." the woman began. "Yes?" He questioned. "The emperor has invited you to meet him and Lord Vader personally. Please follow me." She said, before beginning to walk away. "Oh of course we wouldn't want to keep his highness waiting." He said before walking away; Orlean right behind him. Following her into a Lambda class shuttle, it took them to the orbiting star destroyer. After docking, they walked through the halls of the mighty vessel. Patrols of clone troopers at every corner. Reaching a door, she signaled for them to wait outside while she went in. Seconds later she came out and signaled for Sigil to enter. Orlean, attempting to enter, was stopped by the officer. "Mr.Trial alone." She said, raising her hand. He looked over at Sigil who nodded at him. He took position right in front of the door with two clone troopers facing him. The officer who brought them here, took position beside the pair of troopers.

"Oh Mr.Trial welcome. Please take a seat." Palpatine greeted, flanked by a pair of his personal bodyguards on both sides as well as Darth Vader on his far right. "You requested for my presence my liege?" He asked. "Well of course." He began. "First of all I apologize for your loss." Palpatine began. "It is appreciated." He responded. "It truly is a hard time for you, I understand but it is even a harder time for our people. After the passing of the former senator of Naboo, senator Padme Amidalla, our homeworld has fallen from its former grace. What Naboo needs, is a charismatic, strong willed and most importantly competent new representative and senator upon the senate halls." He paused for a short while. "Someone like you, my child." Palpatine said. Alarm bells rang in his head. Palpatine wanted him to be a senator. He wouldn't mind replacing his mother; with force if necessary but he buried these thoughts. But such a rapid replacement only after a year might point to her extreme incompetence; something which he knew all too well. "With all due respect my liege, the ruling monarch is the one who appoints senators." Sigil said, trying to turn the offer down. "Oh of course." Palpatine began. "I have spoken to the queen about this. I wouldn't want to fill you with hope only for it to be crushed. That would be indecent behavior on my part." Said the emperor. After a long pause, he continued "So what do you say? Will you take the responsibility of upholding your people and representing them justly in the halls of the Imperial senate?" He finally asked. "I... accept this assignment my liege." He replied, the uncertainty leaving his voice as he moved on with his sentence. "Good... good. Up most excellent. You shall stand where many other greats stood before you and potentially be among them. I foresee a great career ahead of you." Palpatine complimented. "It is an honor. I will not disappoint you, your highness." Sigil replied. "One last thing. Lord Vader has matters of his own to discuss with you." Palpatine finished. "Follow me." The dark lord said, walking out of the room. With a bow to Palpatine, he followed after Vader and Orlean behind Sigil. Vader took them to a shuttle which headed back down to the surface. Knowing Vader was about to say confidential information, he gestured for Orlean who headed to the cockpit. "Senator, I will be requiring the skills that you had acquired and used during your former occupation." He said. "I will be happy to help my lord." Sigil replied. "Very well. I will be departing for Mon Cala in a few hours. Equipment will be provided for i just need you to pick off an admiral named 'Rattus'." He explained. "I am afraid that is a past I'm not happy revisiting." Rellied Sigil. "You will be wise to do change your mind." He threatened. "I see." He relented. Vader didn't speak another word as the ship landed in Theed and dropped them off.

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