Chapter 16: Concerns And Division

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"Thank you all for attending this meeting. We are here to decide upon the proposed mid-rim offensive." Mon Mothma began.

'Foolish.' Sigil thought even before the hearing began. "In defense of our advance, we have Commander Hera Syndulla and Captain Wedge Antilles." Mothma stated. Commander Syndulla rose up from her seat and walked to the front of the room. "Thank you Senator Mothma. I am here to present my case for the mid rim offensive." She began. "After our successful operation over our base in Yavin 4, the empire lost their superweapon as well as Grand Moff Tarkin. Grand Moff Tarkin, was the governor of the entire outer-rim. Without him, it fell to us. We should use this momentum to liberate the mid-rim and bring the fight to the empire. Our ranks have swelled with millions of recruits as well as thousands of captains pledging allegiance to us! We have a fleet! We can and should go on the offensive against the weakened empire! To prove to the people of the galaxy that our rebellion can break Palpatinr's iron grip on people's lives!" She stated with confidence and pride in her voice before taking a seat.

"Now for the opposition, we have Admiral Sigil Trail and commander Leia Organa." Mothma stated; Sigil's hint to present his speech. It had taken him and Commander Organa a week to prepare this speech. We got up from his seat and walked up to the front of the room. "Thank you Senator Mothma. I am here to present my points in opposition to the mid-rim offensive." He bega confidently. "Although our triumph against the empire was a massive success that eliminated the imperial super weapon called "The Death Star" and killed Grand Moff Tarkin, the empire still possesses a fleet of dozens of thousands of star destroyers and potentially millions of smaller support ships. Not one was lost during the battle of Yavin 4. They are still out there and coordinated through the authority of the emperor. The imperial military is designed around subjugation of populations and fighting a conventional military force. Our success was achieved through irregular warfare. Walking into this perfectly set up trap, will set us back the near half decade we have spent fighting the empire both united and divided. Let this not be our undoing." He countered. He studied the faces of the people present and seemed to have moved them by his words and charisma but it would turn out that the word "seemed"was more in effect than he originally thought.

"Thank you Admiral now we will conduct the general debate where both you and Commander Syndulla will be questioned on your stance regarding the proposed mid-rim offensive. What ensued was hours of debate among rebel high command regarding their upcoming plan of action.

"The results of the vote are in." Mothma began. "The result of the general vote leans in favor of committing to the mid-rim offensive." She stated loudly and clearly for all in the room to hear. "I object!" Sigil shouted, slamming his hand on the holo terminal in front of him; everyone flinched at that. "Admiral Trail, your party has lost the vote. This isn't up for discussion." Mon Mothma reminded. "I acknowledge that our concerns were overruled by the vote." He began explaining. "But the empire hasn't lost a single star destroyer, just the death star. There are dozens of thousands of these ships still operational and running. We are foolish to attack." He elaborated. "Nonsense! If we took out the death star, we could take out the star destroyers." Captain Solo countered. He shook his head at the naiveness of the younger officers. They were bringing an infantry squad against an armored division with air support. Seeing there was no changing their mind, he dutifully accepted his role as the rebel alliance's vanguard commander, put in charge of multiple battle companies that will "spearhead the assault. 'This is a horrible idea on every scale.' He said sadly to himself. "It is." Nox commented. "For planning a lightning campaign, try striking at imperial warehouses and fuel depots. You will need logistics." She said. "It is appreciated." He thanked.

The meeting drew to its conclusion relatively quickly after his outburst. Storming off to his quarters, he ordered the captains of his assigned battle companies to be present to discuss their strategy for the upcoming mid rim offensive.

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