Chapter 17: The Mid-Rim Offensive

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The time had come. It was time for the vanguard fleet of the rebel alliance to strike out against the worlds in the mid-rim. At Least that's what everybody thought. His fleet would depart 7 Coruscanti rotations before everybody else's. For 7 rotations he wanted to keep the imperials occupied on many fronts using the task forces he carved up from his vanguard fleet. A false invasion followed by a feigned retreat to other systems would boost imperial morale into giving chase and over extending their supply lines. "Commence the jump to hyperspace." He ordered and watched from his command ship how the ships around him made the jump to hyperspace. All his captains were sworn to secrecy not to give up his plans.

He had to strike quickly and strongly against imperial worlds to bring the ire of the empire upon them. A few skirmishes against full imperial might would guarantee fewer losses in the long term.

Hours after the initial jump, alarms blared all throughout the fleet of the impending departure from hyperspace. Even without his orders, every person in the fleet knew where they had to be after intense drilling for 3 months personally done by him. His fleet jumped out of hyperspace above the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. In orbit were three Imperial II class star destroyers and a dozen lesser imperial ships. Just off to the side however, was a flotilla of Zygerian and Trandoshin ships; no doubt here to collect slaves.

"Activate the long range jammer and Begin firing the super heavy turbolaser, keep the vulture droids on escort duty and launch one squadron of Y-wings escorted by two squadrons of X-wings!" He ordered firmly from the bridge of his Recusant. 

The imperial were quick to respond; launching a cloud of Tie fighters. The cloud of fighters blocked his view of the fleet but bolts from the super heavy turbolaser of the Recusant blew holes in it as it made its way to the star destroyers. As the fighters approached his fleet, they were met by a barrage of red laser fire as all the corvettes and the his Recusant dubbed 'The Scutum' opened up with all their anti-spacecraft batteries against the imperial fighters while the three attack squadrons, flew around the Tie formation as it was turned to scrap for scavengers.

"Split up into two groups and disable the two leading star destroyers!" His orders echoed through the bridge. He watched as the formation ahead, split in two as they each headed for the leading star destroyer. Chased by Tie fighters left in reserve and by ones who broke off from the first formation of Ties which was repelled and was busy regrouping or chasing his flight of fighters and bombers.

The Y-wings made their run on the two star destroyers with ion bombs while being escorted by X-wings. And he watched with disappointment as two X-wings succumbed to imperial fire and were blown up.. Seeing how weakened they were by his superheavy turbo laser vollies, their shields went down and they were subsequently blown up by the Scutum. 

The fighters had formed up to the portside of his fleet. "Order all but one squadron of X-wings to head for the port side of the fleet and the rest to strafe the nearby flotilla of non imperial ships!" He shouted. "I want you to focus the super heavy turbolaser on the remaining star destroyer! All other guns focus on the Ties and tell all returning fighters to perform the hammer and anvil!" His ordering of the crew continued. "Sir, the scanners are showing a pair of star destroyers approaching the aft side of the fleet!" A radar officer yelled. Retaining his composure as best he could he said "Direct our squadron of B-wings and one squadron of X-wings to the approaching issue. Deploy the rest in defensive duty!". "Yes sir!" The comms officer yelled on the bridge. "Conduct a planetary imaging and find imperial, Trandoshan and Zygerrian camps and bases and send in 10 U-wings to the surface." He said much more calmly. 

Turning his head, he saw the slaver flotilla up in flames. The transports were left unharmed as to be captured but the escorts were blown up. The sole star destroyer facing his prow, was starting to suffer from the heavy volleys of fire until its shields failed and the bolts of plasma tore into its haul. "Sir, the reports from the gunnery show that the super heavy turbolaser has overheated!" Another voice echoed. "Sanction cooling procedure." He responded.

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