Chapter 15: Deserved Rest

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Author's note:

I apologize for the framing of the queen. I do not know the name of the queen in 15 BBY


Sigil sat at his desk contemplating his next move. The senate was obsolete. Palpatine had supreme authority. Any decision made here can be overruled. "Why did I agree to this? I hate politics. I like action. Not bureaucracy." He thought out loud. "Well you haven't seen sith politics." Nox commented. "Isn't the emperor already a Sith?" He asked. "When there is one or two it's easy but when there are many thousands, it is a nightmare. Always watch your back and don't trust others. You are on your own." She explained. He sighed "That system isn't around. What is around is an old man in a cloak ruling over the galaxy through Sith religion and military might.". "Just watch your back. Nobles can be more brutal than Sith." She cautioned. "Don't have to remind me." He sighed again, rubbing his forehead.

It has been three years since he took office. In that time he was regarded as an intimidating and demanding presence. Whenever he walked into a room, all heads snapped towards his towering figure. Very large compared to humanoid species with a slender build of lean muscle, his silhouette was that of a holo horror; as such many avoided him. Some even knew his previous occupation as a gun for hire and spread rumors about him which worked to tarnish his reputation. Many of the Palpatine supporters had beef with senator Amidalla but Rona had worked to fix the status quo but her dismissal within a year sunk Naboo even further down. As much as they may have brought their problems up with the previous two senators, they kept them hidden from him.

He was always exhausted. Not from the politics, they were obsolete but from hiding his presence from the emperor. One, just one slip up and he was done for. He would train with Revan in the abandoned industrial sector on Coruscant. There they would go to the deeper levels away from prying eyes.

Sigil was given an apartment in 500 republica. The most expensive place in all of the galaxy.

In his time he befriended some senators. Notably the representatives of Alderaan, Chandrila and Rodia. A group of very liberal Senators who seem to have been close with Senator Amidalla before him and his mother. They had tried with her to no avail but found success with him. They all had one thing in common; their shared dislike of the imperial bureaucratic system and the fact that it was military driven. He agreed to Palpatine's offer to bring change. But soon realized that the entire Imperial senate had no power. Not wanting to tarnish the image of Naboo further, he decided to stay in the senate.

The most they could do was bring humanitarian aid to outer rim worlds caught in the reconquest of the rim. Former separatist worlds brutally subjugated and forced into the empire.

The former grand army of the republic was turned to the imperial army and the more elite stormtrooper core. Clones were replaced by naturally born conscripts and recruits. The power of the navy was at an all time high. Their star destroyer fleet became a symbol of might, dread and pride depending on one's system. For frontier worlds they were symbols of imperial might and security. For independant and former CIS member worlds they were a symbol of utter horror while for the core worlds they were a symbol of pride.

One night, he couldn't get sleep. Sigil was in no way worried about anything at the moment so the fact that he couldn't sleep confused him. "You have something on your mind dont you?" Nox questioned. "To be honest with you, I feel empty. Without a purpose or goal. All I do is debate in the senate from the morning to the afternoon then go train the rest in the industrial sector. It has been three years." He replied, finally letting his frustrations out. Just then he heard a knock at the door "Sigil you seemed troubled. Is everything okay?" It was Revan outside the door. "Yes. It's all fine." He relied, reassuringly. "Fine, just tell me if you need anything." She said. He didn't say anything as her presence got more distant. "Wish I had someone this caring." Nox commented with a sigh. "Um, what was that supposed to mean?" He asked. "That was me reflecting upon my own self and maybe giving you a lesson." She responded. "Anyway, maybe you should take a break. Maybe go on a holiday?" She suggested. "Oh where would we go?" He asked. "No. You and you alone." She clarified. "Try the world of Zeltros." She suggested. "Shouldn't you be my voice of reason and wisdom." He argued. "Didn't sign up for that." She shrugged. "Yeah neither did I." He added. "So what do you say? Will you give it a try?" She asked. "Wait, you can watch from my point of view, can't you." He said in realization and disgust. "I can but I can choose not to." She replied. "No thanks. That's not the Jedi way and it feels both weird and wrong to have an old lady watching." He responded. "Who are you calling an old lady?" She said playfully. "You know." He relied sternly. "Oh well I was just trying to help." She replied, somewhat irritated. "I'm sorry. I know I can be difficult and bricked up a lot of times." He apologized. "I'm sorry as well. I can also be stubborn." She also apologized, realizing she could be pushing boundaries. He sighed "I don't blame you for trying but I thought you'd know by now that I'm an introverted person.". "Never came off to me as an introvert." She responded. "Yeah I really only talk a lot to people near me. For you, I was forced to converse." He explained.

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