Chapter 33: Game Of Martyrs

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"The Empire's second Death Star is nearing completion. According to the intelligence we collected, it is above the forest moon of Endor that the battle station is being constructed." Mon Mothma said.

"We can't just let them finish it! We must do something." Dodanna said, slamming his hand onto the desk. "I'm aware, General. That's why I called for a meeting with the joint chiefs of staff." Mothma said.

"A head on assault simply won't work." Ackbar said quietly. "They likely have a shield generator on Endor. Why else would they feel the need to put the station in geostationary orbit." Sigil picked up.

"We must preoccupy Imperial forces in the sector if we are to strike successfully, otherwise we will be locked in a pincer." Han stated as an eerie silence befell the room.

"But who will do it?" Mon Mothma said, breaking the uneasy tension. "I will!" Ackbar, Jan and Sigil declared at once, catching eachother off guard. All eyes in the room shifted from one of them to the other in anticipation.

"You can't go. You're the best we have against Vader." Ackbar pointed to Sigil. "He is right. Your presence is needed Admiral." Jan agreed. "For the very reasons that I am needed at Endor, I can tie up the sector's fleet, preventing them from reinforcing." He argued back.

The others, still stared at the three of them arguing amongst themselves until Mon Mothma put her fist down. "Enough!" She yelled, and the three of them quickly turned to look at her, now professional once more.

Seeing she had her attention, she said "You have until tomorrow morning to decide who goes." She declared, getting back to the second Death Star.

The meeting concluded and in the chambers, remained only Ackbar, Jan and Sigil. Once again free to discuss who was next to be a martyr of the rebellion on this suicide mission.

"Now how should we go about this gentlemen." Sigil began. "Certainly not by talk." Jan chuckled. "How about we settle this over a game of Sabacc?" Ackbar proposed, both men turned to look at him, impressed looks on their faces. "Sure, why not." Sigil shrugged.

Feeling happy with their conclusion, they headed outside the now empty meeting room. Spotting a trooper on patrol in the halls, Jan signaled him over.

"Sirs!" He saluted sharply. "Private, do you happen to have a Sabacc set?" Jan questioned. The man's complexion changed to that of a confused look. "Sure thing General. We have one." He said hesitantly.

"You wouldn't mind if we borrowed it for the night? Would you?" Sigil asked. "No sir." He said. "Well bring it to us at the high command mess haul." Ackbar ordered. "Yes sir!" He saluted, heading off. "Privates." Jan huffed, and the three proceeded to have a good laugh about it.

The Private brought the cards as requested and left it with them around fifteen minutes later. "Best two of three ?" Sigil asked, looking at the other two. "Best of three." Ackbar nodded. "I'll be the first to deal then." Sigil said, shuffling the deck.

Sitting at the table, Sigil placed the deck on his right and began to distribute the cards. In a cycle until all had two cards face down.

Placing the deck down, he was about to pick up his hand but was stopped by Jan. "Wait, how do we know you won't cheat?" He questioned. "He has a point." Ackbar said. "Gentlemen." Sigil began. "We've known each other for a long time. You both know that I'm a man of my word and here it is; I won't cheat." He defended. Jan wasn't fully convinced but kept to himself.

Now with that out of the way, they all took up their cards and looked and inspected the hand they've been dealt. Their faces were void of emotion as to not show the value of what they had been dealt.

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