Chapter 30: Guardian

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"This is eagle one; perimeter alpha is secure. I repeat perimeter alpha is secure." Sigil repeated into his com link, flying over the designated perimeter in his wing suit. "Copy that eagle one. Move on to perimeter beta." Qishik replied. "Copy that Echo. Moving to perimeter beta." He replied, changing direction for the second area that was due for search.

He kept on his patrols, using them to ease his mind off the stress of coordinating the alliance forces. He kept his patrols up until it got dark and in unison with it, the wind began to blow as the clouds let go of the snow they kept.

Temperatures plummeted rapidly as the dim son of Hoth began to disappear over the horizon; leaving the area where Echo base was more akin to a lab freezer as opposed to a planet that harbored life on its great frozen plains, ice mountains and snow blanketed surface.

"Eagle one, seize all search. Your patrol is done. Return to base." Qishik informed him. "Copy tha-'' He stopped himself mid-sentence for he heard an interesting conversation. "Ask Han if he knows where Luke is." He heard Leia say. "Yes princess." He heard the voice of 3PO.

"Wait, what is there with Skywalker?" He asked. "He has been missing eagle one." Qishik replied. "Send me last coordinance." He informed. "Eagle one that is no-" "That's an order." He cut in. "Eagle one you can't. We'll close the door." Qishik tried to reason. "I can take care of myself nest. Send me the coordinance." He demanded a second time."Yes sir." Qishik replied, relenting before the Admiral. "Sending coordinance." He finished.

Sigil took out his projector and turned it on. Grid square T-6, it red. He adjusted his course from where he was and headed to T-6 to begin his investigation as to the disappearance of Luke.

He flew over the grid. Circling low to the ground as best he could to avoid crashing into the ground. The fog obstructed his view but the force and his projector countered nature to his advantage.

But once the weather got dark enough, he was forced to land and take out his lantern to search through the snow. Aiding his efforts was his ally the force. He reached out, trying to detect the faintests of life forms around. 

The only sound in his ears besides that of the low howling wind was the sound of his wings' repulsor lifts which he folded remotly. He dared not turn them off for they won't turn back on again until properly defrosted and dehydrated.

Sigil stumbled through the thick snow, each step taking him deeper and deeper until, just outside the perimeter where his lantern illuminated, he saw a dark red color contasted against the yellow ice. Both bathed in the soft yellow glow of the flame he held in his left hand.

He quickened his pace and reached the spot. It was blood. His own blood ran cold but not being one to jump to conclusions, he reached down and placed his free hand on the blood stain. Sigil attempted to call upon his Psychometry to aid him in his search.

Sigil's vision was taken to where Luke was pawed in the face by a Wampa. The big creature proceeded to kill Luke's mount, which bld from its mouth blood and dragged them both behind it.

He reopened his eyes and a look of horror formed on his features. He sighed, raising his lantern higher to see the rest of the blood trail better. He got up and trecked his way through the thigh high snow of Hoth's tundra.

The trail of blood had him walk up and over a small hill before he felt the ground under him collapse. 

He fell with his face and upper body in the snow. He, through the snow, heard a loud roar and guessed it was the Wampa he was looking for.

He struggled to get himself free from the awkward situation to be able to defend himself. He suddenly felt something grip his left foot as he was lifted up upside down.

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