Chapter 2: Cooperating Prisoner

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"Ah you're finally awake." Rang a voice in Ahsoka's ears. "Who are you?" She asked slowly, opening her eyes. Finally opening her eyes she could see infront of her stood a humanoid male; his species of origin, concealed by a helmet shaped like a human skull with blue lenses in its eye sockets, 'no doubt sensors' she thought to herself.

"You miss, you are my prisoner." Came a modulated voice. She tried to move only to realize she was restrained by a force containment field. "How did you even get me?" She demanded. "Well there are consequences to sneaking onto people's ships." He replied. "Seems fair enough." She said sarcastically. "You know as a jedi i would expect a stronger moral compass." He said pacing around the room, hands clasped behind his back. "I am no jedi." She replied bitterly.

"You are a force user no less." The stranger pointed out. "What i was doesn't concern you." She spat out. "Oh no it does. That concerns my job." He said. "You are a bounty hunter." She pointed out. "Yes and coincidentally you walked right aboard my ship." He said, chuckling to himself. "What do you find funny?" She demanded. "My fortune." He replied, collecting himself again.

"Now. Let's not veer off topic here." He said, he then paused and looked at her. "What are you staring at!" She yelled. "You know, although i am to receive a handsome reward for bringing you in, i require your assistance." He continued. "What kind of trick is this?" She asked. "Of the non existent one. As i said you can help me and in return are free to go. After compromising the delivery that is." He offered.

"What kind of problem?" She asked further. "A personal problem. And it does require force expertise." He answered. "Wouldn't your client get pissed and the whole sabotaging the deliver-" she began saying but was cut off. "Delivery time is plenty. Since i am expected to bring you in with yellow eyes. To answer your first question however, he is a dangerous, powerful yet patient man. He can wait but doesn't give second chances. This job is a private one." He finished.

"Yellow eyes?!" She yelled. "Oh yeah. Yellow eyes." He answered coldly. "Dooku!" She spat. "Your client is Count Dooku." She spat. "Who else would want a dark jedi?" She said but more so to herself. "I can neither deny nor confirm this but i care not from where the money flows." He replied, the modulator hiding his true emotions. "Listen sweetheart." He started. "I am not your sweetheart!" She yelled. "Whoevers you may be, i am giving you an offer to earn your freedom. Are you onboard or not? This is the last time i am extending this offer to you." He said in a more authoritative tone.

"Fine." She said. "How can i trust you to go free of these?" He asked. "I swear not to betray your trust. There you have my oath." She said. "Good enough." He said moving to the control panel and shutting the force field off. "There." He said removing his helmet; revealing under it a teenage man with long blonde hair.

"After you." He said pointing to door. His tone a bit more welcoming. Ahsoka just walked forward quietly, not uttering a single word, feeling a pistol pointed at her through the force but no danger from it. After walking through several doorways they reached walked outside of a ship, she looked back to see a VCX-100 class light freighter.

Walking a bit further away from the ship she could see a cliff face and a little girl sitting on it staring at a waterfall. "Revan." The boy called out. The girl turned her head around to look at him as well as a stranger next to him. "Is this the help you were talking of. A bounty?" She questioned. "When life gives you something you make the most of it." He replied quietly holstering his pistol.

"I am guessing i should open up. My name is Ahsoka Tano." Ahsoka said. "I that case my name is Revan Trail." Revan said blankly. "Well i guess i will leave you two to sort it out. But i will be watching." he said, making it clear to ahsoka that she will be watched and targeted.

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