Chapter 9: Before The Showdown

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Revan could only stare in horror as someone stabbed Ahsoka with an ice spike, before her vision turned black. It was she who did it. She tried to stop it but was helpless to stop it. As someone seemingly took control her body. 'The ghost that Satele warned me of' she remembered.

"Revan." She heard a voice behind her. "Who are you? How did you get into my mind?" She demanded. "I am Revan." He answered, leaving her confused. "From another era. I am from the time of the mandalorian wars, Jedi civil war, great galactic war, galactic cold war and eternal conflict. I am your name sake." He elaborated further. "Oh!" She exclaimed in understanding. "What brings you here and now?" She asked. "I do not doubt that you have encountered Satele by now and the warning she gave you. She is going to be training your brother to face down Nox. The sith in possession of your body." He said. "Then what does that have to do with me?" She asked. "The confrontation takes place inside your mind where the environment will be shifted by your thoughts and emotions as well as your active participation in the duel to banish Nox back to chaos." He answered. "Chaos?" She asked, arching an eyebrow. "The netherworld of those who define the will of the force." He explained. "So what are we waiting for?" She asked excitedly. Revan just smiled as he told her to manifest a pair of lightsabers. Taking a bit of concentration, she was able to summon two lightsabers. Pressing the ignition, a blue blade shot out the hilt he was holding with a snapp-hiss. Instructing her to do the same, he began running her through the basics of lightsaber combat starting by deflecting bolts from a blaster he made her manifest. She successfully blocked the incoming bolts. Taking up the intensity, he began firing in a more rapid manner until she was unable to keep up. "You are using your vision not the force." He said. She nodded before taking in a deep breath and braced herself for the next volley. Again she failed at the same intensity. "You are too tense. Relax. Let the force carry your movements. Use it to improve your physical attributes." He instructed. Not giving her enough time, he restarted shooting. Caught off guard but not one to give up, she continued. Tense at the start but she eased into it. Going back and exceeding her previous threshold until he suddenly stopped. She gave him a confused look before he shot again and hit her. "Hey that's-" "An underhanded tactic, yes but you must be expect the unexpected and the unorthodox." He explained  Earning an irritated look. "Now onto blade to blade combat." He said, igniting his lightsaber. "Keep the blade level. Don't hold on to the hilt too tightly but also not too lightly. Keep your eyes on the opponents blades but also their body; one punch, kick or headbutt could be the difference between life or death. Before you ask hand to hand combat instructions, it will come later. For now focus on the blade. Use the force to your advantage; augment your body as i said earlier. There are 10 lightsaber moves used for offence. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Same goes for defense; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. There are 2 areas of contact on a lightsaber; the weak and the strong. The weak is the top half of the blade while the strong is the bottom half. Against all opponents, larger or smaller, you have to make sure that your strong is against their weak, giving you the advantage against a larger foe and strengthening the advantage against a smaller one…" he explained for a very long time before stopping at the end and lunging at her. She had indeed listened and held her blade up in order to block his. Not bothering with a blade lock, he disengaged and committed to an overhead strike, which she caught with some effort on her part. He pulled his blade back in a circular motion and executed a jab which she parried to her left only for him to use his physical edge by rotating his blade around hers, brining the tip of his blade facing down before getting inside her defense before forcing both of their blades up and by jumping over both blades and rotating his around hers again. With a backwards slash, she was disarmed. She huffed while calling her lightsaber to her. "Again." He ordered. Over and over and over again they went about sparring. Every time they sparred, she kept an eye on his blade and attempted to mimic his moves and turn them against him. Each time lasting longer before being disarmed. After hundreds if not thousands of disarmaments and losses, she finally managed to land a glancing blow to him. Stepping back, he declared that she had learned enough. "How long have we been training for?" She asked. "About maybe 4 months young one." He answered. "4 months!?" She asked not believing it. "Yes. But we shouldn't get distracted. The showdown is getting closer. As such we'll move onto force abilities. I am aware that your friend has trained you in telekinesis and meditation but i will show you more advanced techniques and further abilities." He said, before showing her combative uses of the force and related abilities.

Upon the world of Adega, Sigil instructed 5cn to not disturb him and use the solar power generators to keep the ship going until they depart. Walking outside, he was met by beautiful and un-altered nature. A place very rich in the force. Finding a suitable rock, he sat in a meditative state and began calling out to Satele.

"Hello there Sigil." She greeted warmly. "Hello to you Satele." He replied. "I have done as you asked and arrived to Adega to begin training." He said. "Good. Upon this world i have buried my holocron, lightsaber and some Jedi texts. They are inside a chest within a cave. Located on the highest peak of Adega. As well as that, i will personally instruct you during your meditation sessions. But for now your first lesson is to retrieve the chest." She instructed. "Should be easy enough." He replied, a bit too confidently. "On foot she corrected. And change into more loose and comfortable outfits. Fear and terror isn't the jedi way." She ordered. "Until next time." Satele said before Sigil opened his eyes. Heading into the ship, he was thankful he committed a full planetary scan before landing. Locating the coordinance to the peak, he headed to his room and changed his outfit. Heading back out, he picked up a wooden staff and began navigating the terrain. Walking and running at low speeds depending on the terrain, he moved for as much as half a day for 10 days before reaching the foot of the mountain. Finally getting to the foot of the mountain, he rested for the day and meditated, deciding to start the treacherous journey tomorrow morning.

"You have advanced at an enviable pace young one." Revan complimented. "It is high praise coming from you." She said proudly. "Don't get ahead of yourself. Now comes the time for the final stage of your training. Hand to hand combat." He said. "But why that when we have a lightsaber?" She asked. "Once disarmed or separated from your lightsaber and the force, this will be your saving grace." He explained, raising his fists and started his instruction on echani and mandalorian arts as well as teras kasi.

The Adegan sun hit his face bathing his skin in sunlight. Waking up and covering his face with his hand, he sat up and looked at the obstacle ahead of him. He began the monumental task of climbing the mountain. Once close to the peak, he saw a cave. "Finally! It is over." He exclaimed with relief before entering the cave. As promised the chest was there. Placing it on his back, he made his way down the mountain by sustaining himself throughout the force. His journey would be over until he reached the void dragon however. Sighing with the realization, he decided to head back in one go. If this journey taught him anything it is that the force is a very powerful ally and it could keep him going for a long time. Trekking through the landscape for 7 days and 5 nights, he finally let go of the box as he went in for rest.

"Your training is done young one. Over the course of a full year without interruption, you have grown tremendously powerful in many ways. Here by, you must wait until the battle takes place. Alter the environment to you and your brothers advantage young one." Revan bowed before his apparition disappeared. Now the other still living Revan, was left waiting for her brother to get ready. Nox will be defeated and banished back to chaos.

Morning yet again hit onboard Adega as Sigil had no time to waste, he went outside, grabbing a quick bite on his way out. Opening the box, he took out the holocron and opened it first. "Hello To you." The gatekeeper of the holocron said. "Hello." He replied. "You have summoned me to help you in your journey to become a knight and i shall guide you to knighthood." The gatekeeper said. "Guide me through the force and it's many abilities." He asked. "I am guessing you know the basics." She questioned. "Yes." came the reply. "Very well." The avatar started before it began talking over the forces many unique and easy to learn abilities and their branches. Telekinesis, telepathy and meditation. Calling upon Satele, reading the Jedi texts inside the chest to further himself and build himself a lightsaber. Exploring the kyber rich caves of Adega until finding one. Another emerald green crystal.
During one last medition session with Satele, she said "After this do not openly head back to the galaxy as Jedi. Else you will be hunted down. The Jedi have been driven into exile." She warned. "When?" He asked totally caught off guard. "Mere hours after i told you to depart mandalore." She said. "For which i am thankful." He said bowing. "As for the technique, be careful. You will be exhausted following that. But Revan will be there to alter the enviorment and even aid you. Once done, you may become a Knight and finish her training. Goodbye Sigil trail. Remeber i will be there when you need help, i will answer." She said before he snapped returned to his physical body. Heading inside the force containment field, he took a meditative position infront of the sleeping body of Revan, before saying "From chaos i brought you and to chaos i shall return you.".

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