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Song: Jealous- Labrinth

AN: I hope you're hungry... FOR NOTHING 😭💀


The Gambler

Thump. Thump...

Thump. Thump...

Thum. Thump...

I woke to the steady beating of my own heart. Something warm was pressed against my freezing skin. But I felt warm soft breaths against where my shoulder and neck intersected.

Not something. Someone.

I went to move my arms only to find I was restrained. Letting out a tired breath, I turned my head a bit to see who it was that slept beside me on this hellish table.

Quick flashes of memory pierced the fog inside my head and I winced, pulling a sharp breath through my teeth. I watched it all through the priest's eyes. I saw the witch experience hell on earth in a matter of seconds.

The look on her face when she saw me. The devastation in her warm honey eyes. The sound of her agonizing scream. They all blended together in a heart wrenching nightmare.

That would be the last time she'd have to go through that on my behalf. I've made hopeless vows before, but this time I'd force myself to keep it. Those would be the last tears she'd shed because of me.
I finally managed to angle my head towards the sleeping witch beside me. My heart clenched at the sight of her tear streaked cheeks, dried blood had crusted over her skin and in her normally soft silky chestnut hair. Her breaths were slow and almost labored.

I just wanted to fucking touch her. Just to let her know that I was here. That I was alive. Was it too much to ask the universe for something so simple? Such a minuscule request.

I tried to get my shadows to help, but it felt like they were all but disabled. They were like paralyzed limbs that hung limp inside me.

Useless. I was fucking useless.

I could have stopped this. I could've prevented her from leaving my side— but I had been so stupid and careless with her. I had let my mind wander too far from what needed to be done.

And in the end it was her price to pay for my own mistakes.

I could hear my fathers voice inside my head telling me of my own worthlessness. I was bound to agree with him this time.
I should be dead right now. That prick should be prancing around with my infernal soul playing dress up with my power.

But I wasn't. It was her strength that allowed my survival. I was now eternally bound to her in a life debt.

My plan to have an ear in the Seventh was done. It was I who would be her little bird.

She should've just let me die. It was more than I deserved for the shit I had done and was about to do anyway.

The witch shifted beside me, face nuzzling deeper into my neck. My eyes shut when her lips grazed my touch deprived skin.

Every inch of me felt the ripple of her lips. I was unequivocally hers and as midnight approached, the trance she had me in wore off. I was now facing the consequences and the regrets of allowing such innocent desires cloud my judgment.

If this was a different world... and I were a different man... I'd dive headfirst into her.

But this was not that world and I was not that man. I was not a man at all. I was a demon hellbent on power and revenge.

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