V.1-Ch.3.1: An Obstacle In The Way

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"Did I need you to remind me...?" I said while glaring at him. 

"That decision of yours will surely change over time. You'll see."

I squinted my eyes, confused at what he meant by that. Then, I heard footsteps and a figure came and stood in front of me. "Good morning, Horikita-san."

"O-Oh, good morning, Karuizawa-san."

"I heard you two talking about working with our class. Are you perhaps trying to make sure we don't lose any Class Points?" she asked.

Surprised, I nodded at her. "Yes. You know?"

Karuizawa nodded, then turned around and looked at everyone in the class. "Okaa-san told me everything before I came here. If any of us are late, slack off, or if we're messing around when we're not supposed to, then we get judged for that. If it gets worse, we may end up with losing Class Points to the point where we won't have any left."

It seems like Karuizawa knows about the system here at the school and how it all works as much as Furukawa and I do. Perhaps if the three of us come together to tell the class, maybe we can prevent ourselves from falling to the bottom. No, I doubt the three of us alone could convince the entire class.

I placed my hand over my face. "I don't want that to happen, but...I don't know where to begin..."

"Hm...maybe someone who's a leader can step up and control the class. You know, like a Class Representative?" Karuizawa suggested.

"A Class Representative huh...? But are there any people in our class who could possibly fit that role?" I asked, hoping Karuizawa may have someone in mind.

She nods and turns around, looking back at everyone. "There's two people who I think are good: Kasai Arata and Kurino Marise. Kasai-kun is quite kind and popular, hence why almost everyone in the class admires him. As for Kurino-san, I heard that she's smart and helpful, often supporting her friends and doing whatever she can for them."

"I see..." The two people she mentioned are well-known figures within the class, and their popularity and compassion definitely gives them influence over our classmates. If anything, they seem to trust them with their lives. Kasai and Kurino seem like potential candidates for being Class Representative.

"Neither Kasai Arata nor Kurino Marise are leaders," said Furukawa.

"Why's that?" I asked him to elaborate.

"It's true that they have power and control over the class, but they lack the will to inspire and guide them. They're valuable assets who have extraordinary skills, but they're not meant to lead. They're meant to support."

"Support..." I placed my hand to my chin and thought about it. Furukawa was right. They do certainly seem more like the person to aid and help collaboration between one another rather than be in charge. Still, both Kasai and Kurino are individuals who are indispensable to our whole class.

"Hey Horikita-san, have you considered yourself to be Class Representative?" Karuizawa asked, suggesting me.

"No. I'd rather stay back in the shadows and do less of the work than I should." I didn't enjoy being in the spotlight as much. I also didn't have the necessary skills to be a capable leader, like my mother. When she was Class Representative, she was confident, courageous, and inspiring to others. No matter how much I tried-and I have-I could never possibly reach her level. That's why I can't see myself being such an important figure like her.

"Hey hey, Kawasaki, Tsukamoto, you ready for the swimming class later?! " Azuma asked him.

"Swimming class?" Tsukamoto repeated.

"Oh, that's right! We're going to have to swim later!"

"You two seriously forgot?! I mean, c'mon!" Azuma went closer to them. "We get to see the girls man...!"

Aside from the three boys, who were quite perverted, some girls were gossiping to each other, also talking about the swimming class.

"Ah~, can't wait~! It's going to be so much fun~!"


I let out a heavy sigh and placed my hand on my forehead. "I forgot that we're swimming today..."

"Did you forget your suit or something?" Karuizawa asked.

"No, I have everything prepared. It's just...I don't want to swim at all, especially in a suit where everyone is going to stare at me in..." Having so much attention, so many eyes on me, was not something someone like me wished for.

"Whether you want to or not, it's something we have to do. After all, it's requested by the school," said Furukawa. "And...if anything, us taking this swimming will likely mean something in the future."

"You mean an exam...?" Furukawa nodded and I sighed. "I suppose I'll take this seriously then..." My mother told me about the special exams this school holds. Even though she passed, I heard that they were quite difficult and devastating for her and her class. If I have to participate in these in order to pass them, then I have no choice but to accept it.

Classroom of the Elite: LegacyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang