What ikevamp boys do when under anesthesia (part 1?)

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Warning: fluff, crack fic, suggestive

Comte: Depends what he's feeling. If he is hungry after surgery or whatever he will be mumbling about how much he loves baguettes and if he had the chance he would be in a room full of them. If it's in any other situation he just rambles on and on to the doctors, you, Leo or just anyone who's willing to listen how much he loves you~!

Leo: Even during anesthesia he acts what many consider natural. But the 'unusual' things he does during or under anesthesia are... basically intrusive thoughts in his mind he acts on (but he also does act on them even without anesthesia-). Like he'll grab your ass or boobs even in front of the other residents. If anyone asks why he just says 'I just wanted' (with slurred word ofc).

Arthur: Is brutally honest like most people would be. He usually never does or says anything inappropriate and stuff. But when I mean brutally honest I mean he asks you really weird or dumb questions or just says whats on his mind so here are some examples. "You are v-vewy pretty~" "Arthur, we're dating." "I'm dating an angel like you? God what have I done to deserve this?". Or something like, "Oi, Theodorrr-y! D-do you ever think about..why do we have toes?" "I swear to god I'll put you to sleep again.." "Theo!"

Napoleon: Like Leo, he sleeps the entire time he is under anesthesia so when he wakes up he is definitely tired and groggy but when someone sleeps for like 12 hours, who wouldn't? If he is awake for it he just kinda looks at you and tries to grab you and forcibly give you cuddles.

Mozart: Has hissy fits and throws tantrums. Like he's mad he can't do anything and he just acts like a child not getting his way. He also gets mad when he keeps getting headaches, can't play piano, and can't remember things correctly. He needs to be cuddled now. NOW-

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