Ikevamp suitors x Mitsuri Kanroji!Reader (part 2) (HCs)

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Warning: fluff, suggestive?


* He didn't really care who you are and what happened

* He was just minding his own business

* But what really caught his eye was your two different hair colors

* He never asked about it until you guys got further into your relationship

* Imagine his surprise when he learns that it is cuz you ate too much of your favorite food

* He also had a mini panic attack by seeing your sword

* When you told him your slayed demons for a living he was like.. Wut👁️👄👁️

* Isaac asked how it was possible for demons to exist

* "Looks like Newt cant process the information?" "sHUT UP!"

* His face flushed when he saw your uniform tho and he probably almost fainted at the sight but didn't in fear of Arthur teasing him

* Recommends not to wear such revealing clothes around men who are vampires..

* Dear old Newt was a little concerned by how much you ate

* You apologized saying that it was because you needed the muscle mass and because you had a fast metabolism

* When you come up to bring him rogue, he takes out some snacks he stashed in his draw

* He is also absolutely in love with you kind-hearted and cute personality

*  *Cough* you make a great pillow *cough*


* Was curious about who you are

* But of course he kept his distance from you

* He was totally curious about your hair color like wtf why is it like that?

* When you told him it was because you ate too much of your favorite food he was shocked but made jokes about it

* You at some point found him staring at your sword in your room while chatting

* When he did ask he was very surprised to find out you were a demon slayer

* "So.. Demons exist and you.... Slay them?" "Yes."

* He will often find his eyes wandering to your revealing uniform

* He smirks was you wear it and do stuff in it like cleaning

* But he usually doesn't care

* Dazai saw you eat a whole cooked chicken and asked you

* When you say it was because of you fast metabolism he just took some food from his plate and fed you

* He always makes you extra food

* "Sebastian, can you get more of X for Y/N?"

* He loves how kind and understanding you are

* Never pushing him to share stuff that he doesn't want to or feel like sharing

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