Ikevamp bois with S/O that has big booba (part 2)

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Warning: NSFW, fluff, spoilers?, swearing


He isn't that fazed (he is just so chill). He has seen many different sized body parts from different women and to him, that's fine. He won't lie though when he says that they make him feel some type of way... However he doesn't get bothered by them but he sometimes finds his mind wandering to your melons when he feels... particularly bored. Once you get into the dating scene, he begins to give them ~special~ treatment. Specifically during sex, he nips, licks, sucks them and just overall makes them feel good~. He also like.. kneads them especially when they are sore (and I mean if they're big then your back is hurting!). Also free back massages, that's a thing!


Innocent baby #1~! He has no clue why he's staring but he soon averts his eyes as to not be disrespectful. He often wonders why he did what he did but he just lets it go. Then he goes about his innocent boi activities. Vincent often checks in on you but it's been happening less and less. He doesn't understand why he is staring at your chest too often or why he's having... spicy thoughts. Once you start dating it takes him a bit to realize that he is turned on by your chest. He didn't get it much but he loves them. I KNOW that he uses your big melons as stress balls and a pillow. After you do the deed, he makes sure to clean and rub them because they are bound to be sore. As you sleep, he draws you nude. Your boobs are often on a close up. And there are suspicious white stains on the papers. He of course hides it from you and his broer because if anyone found out, he would die.


Doesn't mind nor notice them at first. But when hes appointed to your personal bodyguard, he starts to notice other men staring at you more often. He follows their eyes to your chest and the fact that your cleavage is showing. Soon he finds himself entranced by them. He can't be though, he has one job and you have to go home... He soon realizes that he develops feelings but he often pushes them out of his mind. Same as you. There was this one incident where you were standing on the counter trying to reach something from the cabinet above. Your foot slipped and you let out a yelp but before you could fall, Napoleon rushed over as fast as he could and caught you. But because of instability, you both ended up falling. Napoleon fell on his buttocks while still holding you and you just fell on his lap. The one thing that made him go 'brrrr' was that his hand was holding your waist and the other was holding your booba. Of course after all the blah blah blah and drama, you two start dating and doing the 'deed'. He kinda has a thing for your chest because he LOVES squeezing, sucking, kneading, and scratching  them.

A/N: Holy crap that escalated! This is my first time writing something dirty sooo I'm sorry it's bad and I don't know how I feel about this...? Idk if I will write this kind of stuff much in the future but we shall see! I think I need to try harder next time..

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