Ikevamp boys react to you wiping off their kisses

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Warning: crack fic, funny, fluff, slightly suggestive, a little swearing


* He just smiles

* He has a feeling your pranking him but he will get you back

* And boy will he punish you good (not in that way you dirty bird(; naughty naughty)

* He called you to his office and propped you up on his desk

* Then he started spreading kisses all over your face

* All while you giggled in delight

* So much for a successful prank...:)


* How could you?!

* He is a sweet baby angel beanie weenie, why???

* He's confused

* He thought you were in a bad mood so he kinda left you alone

* But then he got sad because he thought you were really sad

* And so the prank backfired and you felt even worse

* When you explained the prank he was like 'oh'

* But you make up with even more well deserved kisses


* He's just kinda like 'huh?' but lets it go

* Then he get more annoyed as the day passes and super confused

* So Leon cornered you in the library and you tried to escape

* He caught you and showered you with smoochies

* Then he asked for an explanation 

* 'SNRK' Legit laughs the second you tell him

* like he is on the floor laughing before he starts pinching your cheeks teasing you



* Why? Dear lord why?

* Kinda figured it out that it was a prank

* But he plays along and starts ignoring you instead

* Now you're sad and he feels like crap

* He explains and the two of you just laugh it off

* But don't do that again though


* *insert anime 'eh?' face*

* Confused and a little amused

* He is a smart yandere and very soon figured out it was a joke

* Consults Puck the bunny on what he should do (hes that kind of person)

* Decides to be super dramatic and make a scene

* Legit a literal play playing out before

* You admit it was a prank and he demands kisses for compensation


* Excuse me??

* Why? He is giving you his love and this is how you repay him? How dare you.

* Becomes grumpier and completely ignores

* When you admit to the joke and BEG for his forgiveness

* He chuckles and smirks at your PATHETICNESS

* Just give him kisses and you'll be fine


* :(

* So confused but acts like nothing happens 

* Figures out that its a joke but it still kinda hurts him

* Kinda becomes more distant

* You notice it and apologize

* He accepts and hugs you close for kisses that he still owes


* Why is honjie disobeying their master?

* Gives you more kisses and tickles you as punishment

* You brush it off

* Now time for more.... severe punishment

* Tackles you in bed and pins you down, growling in your ear why you did what you did

* You admit it was a prank and he *ahem* punishes you in the *ahem* bedroom


* Huh?

* Whyyyyyy???????

* Starts wondering but thinks its a prank

* He confronts you and you admit its was simply a joke

* He chuckles

* How could he forgive you for such a treason 

* But will accepts cuddles and kisses as payment


* Almost legit hurt before he found out it was a prank

* Smirky smirk

* Starts playing a prank back

* No attention for you just completely ignored you

* But immediately regrets his decision because it worked too well

* The day ended with cuddles


* Is not taking your shit

* He is legit a tired asian mom

* He about to bring out the shoe


* But does it with professionalism because he is the butler of the year (1#)

* But no seriously please let him give you kisses :(

* He is secretly soft for you but accepts your forgiveness if... you cook dinner tonight


* Why is mademoiselle wiping his marks of affection away?

* Kinda confused

* Is it litrally the ONLY one that doesnt realize its a prank 

* He thought you hated him now and didnt want kisses from a monster like him

* Confronts you about how he understands he is not worthy of you love and accepts his fate

* You feel like shit now so you told him it was just a prank

* He was like what?

* You held him and kissed him the whole night

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