13 year old MC (GN!Reader)

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Warning: slight angst, fluff, mentions of abuse

It had been a normal day at the mansion except with Comte gone on his monthly 'trips'. However all the residents did their daily schedule and had an overall good day. As any other day when the sun went down and the full moon came out, illuminating the hills and groves near the mansion. Comte came back through the door and just in time for supper that Sebastian had created with the help of Napoleon.

"Good evening everyone, I'm back" Comte said as he entered the dining room with almost all the residents there eating their own favorite meal, with the exception of Jean. "Hello, Comte, I'm glad your back" Vincent exclaimed with a beaming smile carved on his face. "It's good to see you old friend" chuckled Leonardo while lighting a cigarillo and putting it in his mouth. Everyone was wishing Comte a welcome as he ate his meal with a bit of rouge to wash it all down.

When it was time for the residents to continue what they wished to do. Arthur, Isaac, and Theo were all going to the game room to play chess. Mozart went back to play his Piano, Napoleon went to the library with Leonardo. While everyone was doing their own thing, unknowents to them, a 13 year old came through the door. The small teen was carrying a briefcase that contained important papers along with a gold pocket watch. They made their way to the dining room, which was dark, and placed the briefcase on the table. They looked around, astonished, that they made their way to such a large place. Fear soon replaced curiosity, but they didn't fear the fact that they were lost in who knows where but the fact of what the owners of this mansion might do to them.

"What are you doing here?" asked the butler of the mansion and the babysitters of most of the residents. "I -I dont k- know" they said with a shaky voice and their knees came close to buckling. They looked up to the butler looking at them, curiously. "Come, I will take you to Comte" he said smoothly. As the butler took the teens arm and led them upstairs towards Comtes office, he felt them stiffen. "Do not fear, Comte is a kind man" He said while pulling them down the hall.

Once they reached the right door in the hall that led to supposedly the man named 'Comte'. The 13 year old was fearful of the outcome. Once the door knob began to turn, their breathing hitched and was in their throat. Once Comte opened the door, he greeted his butler "Oh, good evening Sebastian, do you need anything?" He said with a small smile gracing his lips. When he looked down he realized there was a 13 year old looking up at him with slightly fearful eyes.

"Sebastian, is this an orphan from town?" he asked, eyeing you with curiosity. "No." the butler said while entering the office. 

Once Sebastian explained everything, Comte felt guilt, pooling in the depths of his stomach. You looked down with slight guilt as well while speaking in a soft voice "H- hello s- sir, I brought your briefcase back". He realized he didn't have his briefcase, he replied with an equally soft voice, "Thank you, little one"

Comte gave a sad smile and looked up at Sebastian. As if understanding he walked down the hall and disappeared into the darkness. Comte looked down at the teen again and quietly asked "What is your name?" while giving a kind smile to encourage the teen. "Y-Y/N" they replied in a shaky voice while holding out their hand. As Comte was about to shake their hand, he realized they had cuts and bruises. 

"Where did you get these?" Comet asked with slight worry thinking they might have visited another era before coming here. "O-oh, my ___ pulls me a lot when I don't walk fast enough and sometimes punishes me when I don't do my chores" they spoke quietly while looking down. Comte looked at the teen sadly knowing too well that even in the 21st century ___ can still be abusive. He looked back at the hall and said "You are stuck here for a month, you can go back home when there is a full moon" while smiling sadly.

"I'll show you to your room.."

To be Continued...

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