Arthur with a Ranpo Edogawa!Teen!Reader (HCs)

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Note: other suitors will soon be written so please go check out Dazai's HCs!

Warning: fluff, mentions of kidnapping, comfort


* Curiouser and curiouser...

* He finds you... interesting to say the least

* He often asked why you kept your eyes closed and how in the heck you could walk around doing normal things

* "Sometimes answers are more complex than the question, don't worry your pretty little head."

* He tries to ignore your... strange aura but he keeps being pulled in

* Arthur couldn't explain why but you just so odd and fascinating, like a cabinet of curiositys he'd seen in a collectors home

* Eventually you found out about him being a 'detective' and stuff 

* You offered to join him on his little mysteries around the city and town

* As you two get on with your friendship he finds himself enjoying your company more than anything else

* "Oi! Y/N, the bakers bread is being stolen!" "Alright! Mystery time!!!"

* Arthur gets giddy and excited when theres a new job in town for you guys to take

* Solving mysterys with you is almost how Sherlock and Watson do in the books

* But he would never admit it of course

* However, lingering in the dark is the 'evil doctor' planning your kidnapping in order to get to Arthur, his old foe (i cant remember his name damn it)

* Eventually thats what did happen and Arthur found out pretty quickly who did it

* You however, were not helpless and could see is too

* You managed to escape your bindings before Arthur arrived 

* The doctor ran away but you and Arthur managed to find him

* It was then when you opened your eyes and used your super detective power to bust the case WIDE open!

* Since then, you and Arthur continue to solve cases, hang out, write books toghether, and overall have been having a good life

* You helped Arty boy with his insecurity and depression and in return, you become best friends

* Bets are a theme but not as often as you think it is

* Adventures with Vic. All day. Every day :)

* Oh and of course making fun of Apple-kun/Newt on a daily basis but not as much since Arthur is with you!

* He became your self-proclaimed big brother from that day forth

* Never a dull moment in the mansion

* Your posetive you dont want to go home

* Oh and before I forget, Brush, Vic, and you raccoon, R/N are all friends (same with Arty) 

* Oh and before I forget, Brush, Vic, and you raccoon, R/N are all friends (same with Arty) 

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He even has his eyes open OoO

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He even has his eyes open OoO

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