Ikevamp incorrect quotes #2

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Warning: Crack quotes, mentions of stuff?, based off funny vines and videos, spoilers?, swearing

Note: I used an incorrect quote genorater thingy :)

Charles: You saved me! I owe you my life

Faust: No thanks, I've seen it and I don't want it

MC: I'm kind of crushing on someone, but I'm worried about telling you who it is, because you're not going to like it

Arthur: Just rip the bandage off

MC: It's Dazai

Arthur: Put the bandage back on

Theo: You two often use humor to deflect trauma

Arthur: Thank you

Isaac: We didn't say that was a good thing

Dazai: What I'm hearing is, you think we're funny

Comte/Able: Vlad, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power!

Vlad: Well of course I have

Vlad: Have you ever tried going mad without power?

Vlad: It's boring!

Mansion boys: *proceeds to do some crazy shit on a daily basis*

MC: I've come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck

MC, motioning to a Halloween display: All these ghosts! All these ghosts! I still can't find a boo

Arthur: I'm right here


Dazai, while he is high: I'm sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don't know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It's rude.

Charles: Goodnight moon.

Charles: Goodnight tree.

Charles: Goodnight ghosts that only I can see UwU

Faust: O.O

Jean and maybe Isaac: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll...

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