Leonardo Da Vinci with a sculptor!Reader

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Warning: fluff, mentions of Arthur being an ass, OCC?, I have not done his route so sorry Leo stans!

Requested by: Anon the babe with the power of voodoo (hehehe I get it now)

Note: Thank you Anon for the picture! It really helped narrow things down of what the reader would be and maybe even look like. (most pics on my books will be from Pinterest)

It had been about a few days after you arrived. Many of the residents took note that you were more quiet and timid, only speaking when spoken too. You would quietly do your chores such as sweeping and dusting books in the library or leaning plates and cups in the kitchen sink.

However, some people like Vincent, Comte, Sebastian and even Leo noticed how your mind would wander off someplace else. But you never did stray from doing your chores, it honestly seemed like you were on autopilot. But many just thought that you were home sick or perhaps unhappy, maybe even scared.

There was the incident where Arthur tried scaring you by trying to pin you down and drink your blood straight from your neck. Of course you managed to scream for help and successfully got him off you but you were shaken up after all that.

Leonardo was the first to come to your rescue.

He barged in and saw your figure trembling and crying before turning to a flushed and panting Arthur. He had a big red mark on his face where you hit him hard before trying to flee.

Leo and Comte were extremely livid at Arthur for scaring their new guest of the mansion. Arthur was punished accordingly and he even apologized but he knew that no matter what, you were very weary of all of the residents, an exception to Vincent and Sebastian.

Leo noticed that you got on extremely well with the artistic residents such as Vincent who was such a lovely painter, putting heart and emotion into all his art and creative ideas. He had a heart of gold in your mind, so kind and sweet. And despite Theo's rough exterior, you both got along like pea's in a pod! You two would go to town to all the different bakeries and such, enjoy all the sweets he recommended. 

Theo found you tolerable by his words, you were very in tune with art and often conversed with him about Vincent's art and many other artists you both admired. You and Theo often converse over snacks and discuss popular art and such. Theo began seeing you as a friend and companion then a burden or annoyance to him, in which his brother was very proud.

But Leo enjoyed your company the most out of all the residents. He found your presence calming and soothing to him. He felt truly at peace during your conversations.

He was slightly impressed by your knowledge with a very vast and large history of art and artists. Leo started being more and more excited for your little chats with him with some tea and snacks, just like Theo. 

Leo began noticing that you would often be deep in thought. Your eyes hid a pain, the kind of pain when one has lost a joy in their life. Unfortunately, Leo knew too well that pain, he felt it far too many times to count. He felt so much sympathy and empathy for you, not knowing what you're going through but wanting to help.

He never wanted to ask and pry on personal details about you but one day he couldn't help himself.


"Are you ready for our little session, bella?" Leo leaned his body against the door frame as he watched you pouring tea into the two teacups on the counter. You grabbed a small spoon and stirred carefully. "Almost." You replied, not looking at Leo but instead, focusing on the tea.

"With or without sugar?" You asked as you shoveled some sugar with a spoon. "With sugar, cara." Leo replied as he walked over to you and grabbed the tray "I'll carry this outside onto the gazebo.". A smile graced his lips and you smiled sweetly "Thank you, Leo." You gave him a small peck on his cheeks, in which he scrunched his face up and smirked. 

Leo carefully carried the tray outside, you soon followed behind him after carrying a tray of sweets. 

The pure blood set down the tray of tea, careful not to spill anything and sat down. You set down a tray of sweets as well, you were careful and cautious. You sat down next to Leonardo. You picked up your tea cup and sipped on your sweet and gentle tea. 

You made tea mixed with honey and ginger for Leo, since it's his favorite (I'll make HCs).

Leo stirred his tea and he looked up at you. You felt his eyes staring at you and you asked "Is something wrong, Leo?". He jumped back into reality, his eyes flickered to you for a moment before looking back down at his cup. He fiddled with the spoon and slowly stirred the tea. 

He sighed and slowly put down the spoon and looked up at you with a semi-serious face.

"Cara mia, sometimes I see you stare off into nothing.... Does something worry you?"

You let out a deep sigh and replied "Sometimes I do miss what I used to do.." Leo raised a brow but you continued, "I was a sculptor and I used to make mini replicas of statues, animals, charms and stuff life that."

Leo raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. You let out a deep sigh and say "Its not that big of a deal but I can't help but miss the way the clay felt in my hands.".

Leo scooted his chair back and got up, slowly walking towards you. "Cara mia, I wish you had told me sooner." You turn your body around to see Leo grabbing your hand and gently caressing it in his larger one. "I might be able to help you with your little dilemma..." He sweetly smiled as he gently leaned his forehead against yours.


Laughs and giggles rung throughout the pure bloods room. You and Leo talked about nothing and everything as your nimble fingers squished and shaped the clay on your canvases. Leo was very well known as a painter, sculptor and mathematician though it was so much more than that. 

Leo frequently buys clay at his favorite market place thanks to the money Comte provides to the residence (legit a freeloader) so they may purchase anything they need for their hobbies. He never used the clay often however, he has not been very motivated much throughout the years.

But, seeing your smiling face and your tongue sticking out as you focused on the clay being shaped in your hands, carving it, and ever restarting when you got frustrated, was something that made him want to start painting and sculpting once more. You inspired him by simply showing that pottery can be an enjoyable hobby rather than a job or a demon of his past.

"Hey Leo! We should make puzzle pieces and turn them into necklaces!" You excitedly exclaimed as you started rolling and flattening your wet clay on the wooden canvas. Leo chuckled as he turned to face you "That's a great idea, Bella, let's get started.". Leo grabbed a chunk of clay for you and began carving odd and cool symbols on the clay before trying to carve and cut it out.

You both enjoyed this activity in silence, despite occasional small talk. To Leonardo, he can't help but thank whatever gods are up there, sending you to him. He doesn't feel so alone now.

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