Ikevamp boys as school stereotypes

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Warning: Not meant to be offensive, just funny, crack fic, cursing?, mentions of suicide 

Note: Heyyy! So this is a random shower thought I had buuut which stereotype were you?

Update 11/24/23: MC edition~

Will: Theater kid you CANNOT change my mind. He would be obsessed over his OWN BOOKS! Totally was buddy-buddy with a drama teacher. And he also probably memorized every Hamilton song and Disney on ice songs.

Jean: Emo kid. Talks about death and is constantly moping but takes up a cool hobby and has some cool skills. Always brooding and repeating phrases from Edgar Allen Poe books and stuff. And is singing to KISS songs in his room while he thinks people aren't listen (even though they can even hear him in the shower-)

Comte: Rich kid but is super nice. Gives away like hundreds of dollars to random people and does not even make a DENT in his bank account. Super gucci though... Oh, did I mention he is in the student council BECAUSE HE IS! Donates thousands of dollars to the school board like the only reason they're keeping afloat is because of him! And he is also probably in the Orchestra. 

Sebastian: Quiet kid but in a good way? He is also the history nerd and SO MANY people come to him for notes on the quiz! But he is overall like super duper chill and is always there to lend a helping hand. He also HELPS the janitor and cleans up after other students and is always sanitary!

Arthur: The kid who has a book club and only 2 people come, his best friends (JKJK-). No, he is actually the play boy that every girl fawns over and has screwed all the cheerleaders at some point! He writes in doodles in class and doesn't pay attention but somehow gets like straight A's?

Isaac: School nerd that gets teased by everyone (Arthur cough-). Also like the quiet kid but offers to help some people out (which results in him getting taken advantage of). Absolute teachers pet and gets straight A's. Does tutoring as a side hussle.

Vincent: The really nice artsy kid who is also in the yearbook club! Fails his math and science classes though. He ALWAYS doodles during class and makes MASTERPIECES! And he loves aesthetic art supplies like glass pens, kawaii notebooks, etc. Is also always willing to help everyone and everyone loves him (who wouldn't?).

Theo: Bad boy supreme (LEO VAL-). He isn't exactly the 'bad boy' but he has a quick wit, wears badass clothes, and probably a motorcycle. Pretty badass if you ask me. Still EXTREMELY protective of his brother and eats lunch with him. The lone wolf if you please.

Dazai: Class clown. Sacrifices his grades and reputation just to make his buddies laugh. Is the one teasing the nerd (ISACC BABYY). Has at least been suspended 5 times in one year, sounds high most of the time, and is kinda an asshole. Oh and he makes very disturbing comments about killing himself (get help omg).

Leonardo: The kid that sleeps in class of skips class yet manages to have amazing grades??? He is a major in history and art and quite literally the all star of the school. Knows everything but is super lazy. Takes all the damn chicken nuggets at lunch though. And many people have found him passed out in the halls.

Napoleon: The all star athlete that every girl, especially cheerleaders, finds INCREDIBLY sexy because hes french. It's also a plus that he is in cooking class and has a fencing club. Probably second most popular boy aside from Comte.

Mozart: Orchestra kid that throws a fit every time something does not go to plan. Always shares his opinion about how someone plays or the music they're gonna be practicing. Fast witted and has made band kids cry while insulting them. Absolutely spectacular at playing and no one can say shit.


Castle trio: The goth kids that are obsessed with death and probably smoke behind the gym. Charles befriended Jean and a murder of crows, Faust majors in chemistry and science and scares freshmen for fun, Vlad smokes in the halls and doesn't get into trouble cuz his family is rich and he was friends with the rich kids (his ex, Comte cough cough). Vlad says hes over his ex but hes really not.


MC/Y/N: They are basically the new kid and they choose to hang out with certain boys. Super nervous but is overall nice and helpful. Rumors go about the school that the boys are fighting for someone but no one knows who? They have a mental health therapy club (cuz) and take time to help Sebastian and the Janitor pick up trash. Oh, and a front office aid :).

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